Dr Brahim Herbane

Job: Deputy Head of School and Associate Professor

Faculty: Business and Law

School/department: School of Leadership, Management and Marketing

Address: De Montfort University, Leicester, UK, LE1 9BH

T: +44 (0)116 2551551

E: bhcor@dmu.ac.uk

W: https://www.dmu.ac.uk/bal

Personal profile

Dr Brahim Herbane is Deputy Head of School and Associate Professor (Research) in Strategic Management and Business Continuity Management in the School of Leadership, Management and Marketing. He has over 29 years of experience teaching in higher education. A graduate of the University of Leeds, Dr Herbane’s subsequent doctoral research focused upon strategic management in the UK automotive components industry.  He has written a number of books, monographs and peer reviewed articles included the second edition of the best-selling Business Continuity Management – A Crisis Management Approach (Routledge New York) and  has worked with a variety of British and international organisations in areas such as business continuity management, supply chain management, and information technology adoption. Dr Herbane has been an external examiner for the Universities of Bradford, Liverpool and Sheffield.  Prior to joining De Montfort University, Brahim worked at the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Spanish National Research Council) in Madrid, Bradford and Bingley Society’s Corporate Planning Department, and has taught at the Universities of Birmingham and Sheffield.

Research interests/expertise

  • Crisis Management
  • Business Continuity Management
  • Organisational Learning from Crisis
  • Strategic Management

The capabilities and responses of organizations to deal with acute disruptions that could threaten their survival is the central theme that runs through the body of Dr Herbane’s research and scholarship. The development of his work can be characterised in three phases – establishing the field of study, developing the field of study, and extending the field of study. The first phase established and fulfilled the need for scholars to study Business Continuity Management (BCM) processes is a rigorous manner (1995 to 2000). In the second, attention turned to develop our understanding of BCM across sectors and firm-level practices (2000 to 2010). In the third phase (2010 to 2020), his work has extended the field of study to explore how the capabilities and responses of organizations vary by size and type, resulting in a focus on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), local authorities and charities. At present, his work focusses on wider systems resilience such as healthcare systems. These three phases demonstrate his contribution to research and scholarship of international calibre and an established and growing national and international reputation as a business continuity and organizational resilience scholar. Evidence that his work shapes the field includes papers regarded as seminal in their field (Business History and International Small Business Journal), and journal special issues that cite his work as central to the special issues theme (‘Small Business and Entrepreneurship in Times of Crisis: Latest Developments and Trends’ in ISBJ and ‘Entrepreneurship and Crises: Business as Usual?’ in Entrepreneurship & Regional Development).

Areas of teaching

  • Strategic Management
  • Crisis Management
  • Business Continuity Management
  • PhD supervision


  • BA (First Class Honours)
  • PhD

Courses taught

CORP5058 Business Continuity and Crisis Management (Module Leader 2011 - 2022)

CORP 3364 Crisis and Business Continuity Management (Module Leader 2005 -2020)

CORP 5055 Strategic Management (Module Leader 2010 - 2016)

Membership of professional associations and societies

The Institute of Risk Management – Technical Specialist Member  awarded 10/7/2014 (Business Continuity Specialist - SIRM Designation)

Higher Education Academy  26/4/2017

Chartered Association of Business Schools - Certified Management & Business Educator (CMBE)

British Academy of Management


National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Improving business continuity for health services following extreme weather events.  Grant number: NIHR204820
