Dr Abiodun Egbetokun

Job: Senior Lecturer

Faculty: Business and Law

School/department: Leicester Castle Business School

Address: De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: 01162078066 (extension 8066)

E: abiodun.egbetokun@dmu.ac.uk


Personal profile

Abiodun Egbetokun is Senior Lecturer in Business Management. Prior to joining DMU, he spent nearly two decades at the National Centre for Technology Management, Nigeria where he rose to become Deputy Director of Research. In that role, he was engaged in researching and teaching innovation, entrepreneurship, development and policy. At different times in the past he was a visiting researcher at the University of Oxford, the United Nations University in Maastricht and the Centre for Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators in Cape Town. Over the course of his career, he has gained a deep understanding of the microeconomic factors that shape entrepreneurship and innovation in the context of development. This is built upon a rich multidisciplinary background in Engineering, Technology Management and Economics. His expertise has been sought by several multilateral development organisations including UNIDO, GIZ and the African Union Commission. He was President (2019-2021) of the Nigerian Young Academy, and Science Advice Policy Fellow (2019) of the US National Science Foundation. As an AuthorAID and Development Studies Association (DSA) mentor, he supports early career researchers in developing countries. Abiodun is presently a member of the ESRC Peer Review College and an Academic Adviser for the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission.

Publications and outputs

Research interests/expertise

  • Innovation and Technology Management
  • Policy analysis and impact evaluation
  • SMEs and entrepreneurship
  • International development
  • Innovation and entrepreneurship systems/ecosystems

Areas of teaching

  • Technology and innovation management
  • Operations Management
  • Strategic Management


  • PhD in Economics, specialisation in economics of innovation (Friderich Schiller University)
  • Certificate in Academic Teaching (Friderich Schiller University, Germany)
  • MSc in Technology Management (Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria)
  • BSc in Mechanical Engineering (Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria)

Courses taught

UG: Research Methods; PG: Operations and Service Quality Management; Technology and Innovation Management; Strategic Management; Development Theory and Planning; Technological Entrepreneurship; Management of R&D and Innovation Systems; Empirical Research Methods

Membership of external committees

Member, ESRC Peer Review College

Member, BAM Peer Review College

Academic Adviser, Commonwealth Scholarship Commission

Trustee, Centre Project

Membership of professional associations and societies

  • Chartered Management Institute (since 2024)
  • British Academy of Management (since 2023)
  • IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society (since 2023)
  • Development Studies Association (since 2018)
  • African Academy of Management (since 2012)
  • International Schumpeter Society (since 2012)
  • Nigerian Young Academy (2017 - 2022)

Professional licences and certificates

Member, Chartered Management Institute

Certified Management and Business Educator (CMBE)

Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)

Conference attendance

DMU Learning and Teaching Conference (January 2024)

Decolonising DMU Conference (November 2023)

International Growth Centre (IGC)/Economic Growth Centre (EGC) Conference (October 2023)

British Academy of Management Conference (September, 2023)

1st Nigerialics Conference (February, 2023)

Consultancy work

  • Policy analysis
  • Impact evaluation
  • Quantitative research design/analysis
  • Research systems
  • Executive/researcher training

Current research students

Julia Taibi-Voigts (1st supervisor)

Zhaoyu Ma  (1st supervisor)

Mohammed Albaqami (2nd supervisor)

Tolulope Odunsi (2nd supervisor)

Externally funded research grants information

Internally funded research project information

  • “Hard pressed, pressing hard”: social capital, spiritual capital and entrepreneurial strategies in turbulent environments. £5,000 from the Faculty of Business and Law Seedcorn funding (Co-investigator, 2018)

ORCID number


Popular media

  1. 'Government has no business in business' is fallacious (The Guardian Newspapers, October 16, 2023)
  2. Using Matthew effect to unlock Nigerian universities' potential (The Guardian Newspapers, October 3, 2023)

  3. Dear next president, this is the Nigeria you will lead (The Guardian Newspapers, March 20, 2023)