Professor Tim Fulford
Job: Professor of English
Faculty: Arts, Design and Humanities
School/department: School of Humanities
Research group(s): Centre for Textual Studies
Address: De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, UK, LE1 9BH
T: +44 (0)116 250 6239
Personal profile
Professor Fulford’s research lies in the area of literature in the Romantic era, in the contexts of colonialism, exploration, science, landscape, the picturesque, religion. He has published many articles and books on these topics, featuring such writers as William Wordsworth, S. T. Coleridge, Robert Bloomfield, Mary Robinson, William Cowper, Jane Austen and John Clare. Professor Fulford is currently preparing scholarly editions of the letters of Robert Southey and of Humphry Davy. His next monograph will be a study of the Late Poetry of the Lake Poets.
Research group affiliations
Centre for Textual Studies
Key research outputs
Robert Bloomfield, The Banks of Wye: A Critical Edition. Online edition of Bloomfield’s sketchbook, tour journal and Georgic poem.
Robert Southey: Poetical Works 1811-38, 4 vols, gen. ed. with Lynda Pratt (Pickering and Chatto, 2012)
Romantic Indians: Native Americans and Transatlantic Literary Culture 1755-1830 (Oxford: O.U.P. 2006)
Literature, Science and Exploration in the Romantic Era: Bodies of Knowledge. Co-written monograph with Debbie Lee and Peter J. Kitson (Cambridge: C.U.P. 2004)
Romanticism and Masculinity (Basingstoke: Macmillan/New York: St Martin’s Press, 1999).
Research interests/expertise
Romanticism, colonialism, exploration, science, landscape, the picturesque, religion. William Wordsworth, S. T. Coleridge, Robert Bloomfield, Mary Robinson, William Cowper, Jane Austen, John Clare, Robert Southey, Humphry Davy.
Professional esteem indicators
Professor Fulford is on the Editorial Boards of the journals
Romanticism, European Romantic Review, The Wordsworth Circle, Romanticism and Victorianism Online, Essays in Romanticism and of the North American Society for the Study of Romanticism. He is a member of the AHRC Peer Review College and of the AHRC Peer Review Panel.
Tim Fulford
Romanticism and Masculinity
Romantic Indians
Literature, Science and Exploration in the Romantic Era