Dr Mark Roberts

Job: Lecturer and Research Fellow

Faculty: Arts, Design and Humanities

School/department: School of Humanities and Performing Arts

Address: De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: +44 (0)116 257 7260

E: m.roberts@dmu.ac.uk

W: https://www.dmu.ac.uk/pol

Personal profile

Dr Mark Roberts has been a Research Fellow and Lecturer at De Montfort University since 2008. During this time he has completed a great deal of field research on urban politics, partnership governance and the development of neighbourhood structures in Birmingham, Derby, Nottingham and Leicester. In 2011 Mark successfully bid for a £120,000 award from the Arts and Humanities Council and the RSA to conduct a collaborative research project on ‘Understanding the impacts of citizen participation in Peterborough’. As sole researcher on this project, he is currently producing a range of outputs including a series of academic papers which will be put forward for the next REF. During 2013 Mark also published his first book in co-authorship with Professor Vivien Lowndes of Nottingham University: ‘Why Institutions Matter: The New Institutionalism in Political Science’ in the Palgrave Macmillan Political Analysis series.

Before joining De Montfort University Mark completed his PhD at INLOGOV at the University of Birmingham, and for 29 years before he began an academic career, Mark worked in local authority social work and was Head of Child Care in Sandwell MBC from 1997 to 2003. Dr Roberts has also completed consultancy work for the Football Association in Soho Square London on their equal opportunities policies and strategies for bringing more people from ethnic minorities and other disadvantaged groups into the administration of football.

Key research outputs

  • 20,000 word report on ‘The AHRC/RSA Citizen Power in Peterborough collaborative research project: Understanding the impacts of citizen participation in Peterborough’ submitted to the RSA, AHRC and Peterborough City Council.
  • A five minute animation produced in collaboration with the RSA for a wider audience. This is an animation specifically commissioned by the award holder and the RSA to explain to a non-academic audience what the research project was about and its key findings. It has been posted on Vimeo and the RSA website: http://www.thersa.org/action-research-centre/community-and-public-services/citizen-power

Research interests/expertise

  • Urban politics
  • Race, immigration and faith in politics
  • Neighbourhood governance and the devolution of power
  • Citizen and community power
  • The development and practical applications of institutional theory
  • Managing organisational change from a political perspective
  • Demonstrating the practical applications of political analysis to realpolitik.


2004-2008  PhD in Local Government Birmingham University
1995-97  MSc in Public Sector Management Aston Business School, Aston University
1976-78 MA (Social Sciences) and Certificate of Qualification in Social Work Nottingham University
1971-74 BA Psychology (2.1) Sheffield University

Courses taught

  • Introduction to Politics
  • Global Comparative Politics
  • The Politics of the Environment
  • Public Sector Strategic Management
  • Governance

Honours and awards

  • PhD thesis recommended by the external examiner for nomination for a best dissertation prize from the Political Studies Association
  • Munro H, M Roberts and C Skelcher (Jan 2008) Partnership governance and democratic effectiveness: community leaders and public managers as strategic actors Public Policy and Administration Volume 23 Number 1- commended by the judges of the 2009 UKPAC prize for the paper which offers the greatest contribution to taking forward the concepts or practice of public administration.
  • Aston University Business School’s Public Sector Management Prize for the best student from the MSc Public Sector Management Programme to graduate in the academic year 1996-97.

Current research students

Mark is currently second supervisor for two PhD students at De Montfort University.

Externally funded research grants information

  • PI and sole researcher on AHRC/RSA Citizen Power in Peterborough collaborative research project: Understanding the impacts of citizen participation in Peterborough (£120,000)
  • Derby Community Safety Partnership - Evaluation of Neighbourhood Working in Derby with Professor Steve Leach and Dr Catherine Durose (De Montfort University) – 2009/2010
  • ‘The Ensuring Council; A new model for governance, neighbourhoods and service delivery’ - the Association for Public Service Excellence (APSE) on Neighbourhood Structures in Birmingham, Edinburgh and Nottingham with Dr Steven Griggs (Birmingham University) – January to August 2009.

Professional esteem indicators

Reviewer for the following peer review academic journals:

  • Critical Policy Studies
  • Political Studies