Book chapters
“Indigenous Heritage in Latin American Fashion,” in Latin American and Latinx Fashion Design: ¡Moda hoy! ed. Tanya Meléndez-Escalante and Melissa Marra-Álvarez (London: Bloomsbury, 2024), 54–72.
“‘Covered in much fine lace’: Dress in the Viceroyalty of New Granada,” in Threads of Power: Lace in the Collection of the Textilmuseum St. Gallen, ed. Emma Cormack and Michele Majer, (New York: Bard Graduate Center, 2022), 177–190. Featured in The New York Times Best Art Books of 2022. The Association of Art Museum Curator’s 2023 Award of Excellence.
“Tejidos y tecnologías textiles en el Nuevo Reino de Granada” (Textiles and Textile Technologies in Nuevo Reino de Granada), in Saberes y ciencias colombianos (Knowledge and Science in Colombia), ed. Santiago Robledo Páez (Bogotá: Credencial Historia, 2022), 72.
Journal articles
“Fashion Curating in Latin America: From Missed Opportunities to a Critical Fashion Museology,” in “Reframing Fashion in the Museum,” ed. Petra Slinkard, Special Issue, Dress 50 (2024).
“Investigar la moda indígena en Abya Yala. Aprendizajes de los estudios del arte nativo-americano” (Researching Indigenous Fashion in Abya Yala: Learnings from Native American Art Studies), in “Vestires plurais dos povos originarios,” ed. Rita Morais de Andrade, Tuinaki Koixaru Karajá, Waxiaki Karajá, and Indyanelle Marçal Garcia Di Calaça, Special Issue, d’Obra[s], no. 40 (2024): 115–130.
“Cuerpos, moda y género en el Virreinato de la Nueva Granada. Un estudio a partir de la pollera y el faldellín” (Bodies, Fashion, and Gender in the Viceroyalty of New Granada: The Pollera and the Faldellín). Miradas 5 (2022): 31–52.
“Design for Dissent: Political Participation and Social Activism in the Colombian Fashion Industry,” in “Fashion as Politics: Dressing Dissent,” ed. Elke Gaugele and Monica Titton, Special Issue, Fashion Theory 23, no. 6 (2019): 655–678.
“Portraits and Performance: Dress and the Culture of Appearances in the Eighteenth-Century Viceroyalty of the New Granada,” The Journal of Dress History 2, no. 4 (2018): 6–26.
“Colombia For Export: Johanna Ortiz, Pepa Pombo and the re-creation of cultural identity for a global fashion market,” Cuaderno 64 (2017): 239–253.