Professor Kelley Wilder

Job: Professor of Photographic History

Faculty: Arts, Design and Humanities

School/department: School of Arts, Design and Architecture

Research group(s): Photographic History Research Centre (PHRC)

Address: De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: N/A



Social Media:

Personal profile

Professor Kelley Wilder is a photographic historian, with interests in the cultures of science and knowledge generated by photography and photographic practice.  In her work Kelley  considers the photographic practices of nineteenth century scientists and artists like William Henry Fox Talbot, Sir John Herschel, Henri Becquerel and others. New projects include work on Photographic catalogues and archives, and nineteenth and twentieth century material cultures of photographic industry.

Research group affiliations

Research interests/expertise

material cultures of photography

photography and science

archives, catalogues and photograpy

photography, industry and technology

Areas of teaching

  • Photographic history
  • Photography and industry
  • Photographic research practices
  • Material histories of photography
  • Science and Photography
  • History of Technology


D.Phil., Oxford University 2003

Courses taught

Honours and awards

Membership of external committees

Library Committee, Royal Society

Advisory Board, Studies in Theory and History of Photography, University of Zurich

Membership of professional associations and societies

 European Society of the History of Photography 

 History of Science Society

 European Society for the History of Science


2020-2023      Mercator Fellow, University of Regensburg, Germany. DFG project, "Astronomie-Glasarchiv: Fotografische Praktiken in der Sternwarte, 1850-1950" (The Astronomical Glass Archive: Photographic practices of the Observatory 1850-1950), PI Professor Omar Nasim, Regensburg.

2019-2024      Research Fellow of the Science Museum, London

2019-2020      Marie Curie EU Training Grant (€84,497) ‘Photomechanical Reproduction in Europe’ with Dr. Petra Trnkova, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague

2017-2018      M3C Creative Economy Engagement Postdoctoral funding (£29,741) for ‘Pictures in Natural Collections’, with Damian Hughes and the Natural History Museum, London

2016-2017      HEIF Network fund 'The Meaning of Photographic Materials' (£3000)

2016-2017       British Academy Research Grant for project 'Doing Science in a Photographic Age' (£6,635)

Recent research outputs

Current research students

  • Ella Ravilious AHRC CDA with V&A 'Photographic Collecting Practices of the National Art Library' CDA with Victoria and Albert Museum
  • Martin Jürgens M4C 
  • Corey Keller
  • Carolin Lange M4C

Externally funded research grants information

2020-2023      Mercator Fellow, University of Regensburg, Germany. DFG project, "Astronomie-Glasarchiv: Fotografische Praktiken in der Sternwarte, 1850-1950" (The Astronomical Glass Archive: Photographic practices of the Observatory 1850-1950), PI Professor Omar Nasim, Regensburg.

2019-2020      Marie Curie EU Training Grant (€84,497) ‘Photomechanical Reproduction in Europe’ with Petra Trnkova, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague

2017-2018      M3C Creative Economy Engagement Postdoctoral funding (£29,741) for ‘Pictures in Natural Collections’, with Damian Hughes and the Natural History Museum, London

2016-2017       British Academy Research Grant for project 'Doing Science in a Photographic Age' (£6,635)

Internally funded research project information

2016-2017      HEIF Network fund 'The Meaning of Photographic Materials' (£3000)

