Dr Joanne Dixon

Job: Lecturer in Creative Writing

Faculty: Arts, Design and Humanities

School/department: School of Humanities and Performing Arts

Address: De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: Ext. 4773

E: joanne.dixon@dmu.ac.uk


Personal profile

Dr Joanne Dixon is a poet and lecturer in creative writing. She is Programme Leader for the BA in Creative Writing at DMU.

Her poems appear in a range of journals and anthologies, including New Walk, The Interpreter's House, Furies (For Books’ Sake, 2014), In Transit (The Emma Press, 2018), 25 (Shoestring Press, 2019), The Ekphrastic Review (June, 2020), Places of Poetry: Mapping the Nation in Verse (Oneworld, 2020), Moderrn Poetry in Translation, The North. Her debut poetry pamphlet, 'A Woman in the Queue', was published by Melos Press in 2016. Her collection, 'Purl' (Shoestring Press), launched in July 2020. Dr Dixon's most recent publication explores creative practice writing research within the academy and multimodal writing: https://www.nawe.co.uk/DB/current-wip-edition-2/articles/5-reading-and-writing-index-cixous-by-joanne-dixon.html

Dr Dixon reads her work across the East Midlands, the UK and Europe. In 2018 she visited Estonia to present her poems at the Crazy Tartu Festival. She has worked on poetry projects with Bilborough Sixth Form College, Nottingham Contemporary, St. Ann’s Allotments and UNESCO Cities of Literature in Poland, Estonia, Ireland and the UK. Working with UNESCO Cities of Literature and Nottingham Trent University, she co-edited a collection of new writing from European writers: Writing the Contemporary: Poetry and Postcards from UNESCO Cities of Literature (Trent Editions, 2019). In July 2022, Dr Dixon was invited to work on a collaboration for the European Poetry Festival with Dutch Poet, Asha Karami: https://www.europeanpoetryfestival.com/netherlands-2022

Research group affiliations

Institute of English

Publications and outputs

Authored Books

Purl (Nottingham: Shoestring Press, 2020) [full length poetry collection]

A Woman in the Queue (London: Melos Press, 2016) [poetry pamphlet]

Edited Collections

Dixon, J. and D. Cordle (eds), Writing the Contemporary: Poetry and Postcards from UNESCO Cities of Literature (Nottingham: Trent Editions, 2019)

Editorial Assistant: Camilla Bostock and Sarah Jackson (eds), 'Unidentifiable Literary Objects – A Special Issue', parallax, 25.3 (2019)

Journal Articles

‘Reading and Writing Index Cixous: Reflections on Creative Writing Research in the Academy’, Writing in Practice: The Journal of Creative Writing Research, Volume 7, Multimodal Writing Special Issue: 5 - Reading and Writing Index Cixous by Joanne Dixon :: National Association of Writers in Education :: (nawe.co.uk)

Dixon, J., ‘Brightness and Unfixity: reframing epiphany in Alice Oswald’s Woods etc.C21: Journal of 21st Century Writings, 7(1): 13 (2019), pp.1-21.: https://doi.org/10.16995/c21.588

Individual Poems and Short Stories

Individual poems and short stories appear in the following anthologies and journals:

 ‘Extract from Three Experiments in Translation - Elizabeth Bishop’s Pink’. 2022. The North 68 (forthcoming) 

‘Clipped’. 2022. Reflex Flash Fiction Anthology Volume Five, Reflex Press (forthcoming) 

‘light’, Asha Karami, transl. by Jo Dixon, Modern Poetry in Translation: The Fingers of Our Soul: The Bodies Focus, No. 1, 2022, pp. 33-35: The Fingers of Our Soul, 2022 Number 1 - Modern Poetry in Translation 

‘Nostos’ in Brittle Star (Issue 47, December 2020), p. 23-5

‘Skegness Wake’ in Places of Poetry: Mapping the Nation in Verse (London: Oneworld, 2020), p.255

‘The Night Before’, The Ekphrastic Review (June, 2020): https://www.ekphrastic.net/ekphrastic/the-night-before-by-jo-dixon

‘Moonstone Beach, CA’ in 25 (Nottingham: Shoestring Press, 2019), pp. 95-6

‘Stopper on the Poacher Line’ in In Transit: Poems About Travel (Birmingham: The Emma Press, 2018), p. 53

‘South Bank Catch Up’ in South Bank Poetry (November 2018), p. 5

‘Four Weeks’ in Our Beating Heart: NHS70 (Liverpool: erbacce-press, 2018), pp. 52-4

‘My Husband and Son Climb up to Blea Tarn’ in Writing Lives Together (The Centre for New Writing, University of Leicester, 2017), p. 4

‘The Late Miss Watts’ and ‘On Reading Some Memorials’ in Women’s Writing in the Midlands, 1750-1850: Susanna Watts and Elizabeth Heyrick, A Poetry Collection (The Centre for New Writing, University of Leicester, 2016), pp. 14-6

‘On Mending’ in Furies: A Poetry Anthology of Women Warriors (For Books’ Sake, 2014), pp. 21-2

‘The Century Café’, ‘Holiday Ballroom’ and ‘Provence’ in New Walk (Issue 8, Spring/Summer, 2014), p. 55-6

‘It’s Flo’s last day at the shop’ in The Interpreter's House (Issue 56, 2014), p. 21

‘My Creatures Die, Every One’, ‘Avocado’, ‘Alone’ and ‘Ardea Cinera’ in Species (Launderette, 2012), p. 17; pp. 40-2; p. 45; pp. 100-4


‘Jackie Kay at Inspire Poetry Festival 2017’ (Left Lion Online, 18th July 2017) https://www.leftlion.co.uk/read/2017/july/jackie-kay-at-inspire-poetry-festival-2017/

Kathryn Simmonds, The Visitations, New Walk, (Issue 9, October 2014), pp. 59-9

Research interests/expertise

Creative Writing; Creative Practice as Research; Translation; Contemporary British Women's Poetry

Areas of teaching

BA Creative Writing Programme Leader

Teaching: BA Creative Writing, MA Creative Writing & PhD Supervision


PhD in Creative Writing (Nottingham Trent University); MA in Creative Writing (NTU)

Courses taught

CREW 1023: Shaping Ideas; CREW 2000: Word, Image, Sound; CREW 2001: Writing Place; CREW 2013: Personal Projects; CREW 3000: Portfolio; CREW 3005: Portfolio Extension;CREW 5010: MA: Research and Audiences; PhD Supervision

Honours and awards


‘Field Centre’: longlisted for The Rialto Nature and Place Poetry Competition 2021 (judged by Daljit Nagra): https://www.therialto.co.uk/pages/2021/04/14/nature-and-place-2021-winners-announced/

'Karlsruhe Nottingham 50' [poem commissioned by Nottingham City Council in July 2019]: https://presse.karlsruhe.de/db/meldungen/beziehungen/50_jahre_stadtepartnerschaft_zwischen.html

Shortlisted for The Poetry Business International Book and Pamphlet Competition, 2017/18 (judged by Liz Berry & David Constantine)

‘Skegness Wake’: commended in Writing East Midlands Poetry Competition 2016 (judged by Pascal Petit)

Membership of professional associations and societies

National Association of Writers in Education

Current research students

Cathi Rae, PhD Creative Writing, M4C (University of Leicester/DMU), 2nd Supervisor

Emma Wilde, PhD Craetive Writing, 2nd Supervisor

ORCID number
