Professor Jinsong Shen

Job: Professor of Textile Chemistry and Biotechnology

Faculty: Arts, Design and Humanities

School/department: School of Fashion and Textiles

Research group(s): Textile Engineering and Materials (TEAM) Research Group

Address: De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, UK, LE1 9BH

T: +44 (0)116 257 7558



Personal profile

Jinsong (Jim) Shen is Professor of Textile Chemistry and Biotechnology at the School of Fashion and Textiles, and Head of Textile Engineering And Materials (TEAM) Research Group, De Montfort University. He holds BSc and MSc degrees in textile chemistry from Donghua University and a PhD in protein chemistry from the University of Leeds. While at the University of Leeds, Jinsong conducted the fundamental research to understand the protein structure of wool fibre. Since joining TEAM research group in 1994, Prof. Shen has extensively involved in the research of protein materials, development of biotechnology for the textile wet processes and textile effluent treatments, and functional finishing to enhance fibre properties and fabric performance.  His current interests lie in the areas of textile biotechnology, sol-gel technology, nanotechnology and flame retardant technology, and their applications leading to the development of protective garments and multifunctional materials. 

Prof. Shen has been involved in a number of international and national research projects including UK TSB LPTSM, UK AHRC LEBIOTEX, UK DEFRA WOOLCAT, EU COST ACTION 847, EU FP5 BIOEFFTEX and PROTEX, EU FP6 ENZUP and EU FP7 SAFEPROTEX projects.  Prof. Shen has coordinated two large EU collaborative projects in the research of bio-engineering to produce enzymes with specific activities which offer exciting opportunities for development of functional materials. 

Research group affiliations

Textile Engineering and Materials (TEAM) Research Group

Key research outputs

Soroh A, Owen L, Rahim N, Abioye A, Qutachi O, Goodyer L, Shen J and Laird K, (2021) Microencapsulation of essential oils for the development of sustainable antimicrobial and mosquito repellent functional coatings for textiles, the Journal of Applied Microbiology, published online.

Netithammakorn N, Smith E, Lerpiniere C and Shen J, (2021) Peroxidase-catalysed coloration of wool fabrics, Coloration Technology. 137(2), 93-104.

Bao W, Shen J, Ding X, (2021) The influence of moisture content on shrinkage of wool fabrics during domestic tumble drying process, Fibres and Polymers. 22, 559-566.

Bao W, Shen J, Ding X, (2020) The influence of mechanical action on felting shrinkage of wool fabric in the tumble dryer, Textile Research Journal, published online.

Bai, R., Yu, Y., Wang, Q., Shen, J., Yuan, J. and Fan, X. (2020) Laccase-catalyzed polymerization of hydroquinone incorporated with chitosan oligosaccharide for enzymatic coloration of cotton. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 191, 605–622.

Kane F, Shen J, Morgan L, Prajapati C, Tyrer J, and Smith E, (2020), Innovative technologies for sustainable textile coloration, patterning and surface effects, in the book of Sustainability in the textile and apparel industries (edited by Muthu S S and Gardetti M A), Springer, 2020, 99 – 127.

Shen J (2019), ‘Enzymatic treatment of wool and silk fibres’ in the book: Advances in Textile Biotechnology, Woodhead Publishing Ltd. England, 2019, 77-105.

Morgan, L., Kane, F., Tyrer, J., Shen, J. (2019), Textile Led Sustainable Innovation for Sportswear. In: Gwilt, A., Payne, A. and Ruthschilling, E.A. (eds.) Global Perspectives on Sustainable Fashion, London: Bloomsbury, 126-130.

Zhang P, Wang Q, Shen J, Wang P, Yuan J, Fan X (2019), Enzymatic thiol-ene click reaction: an eco-friendly approach for sustainable grafting modification of keratin fiber using MPEGMA, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 7(15), 13446-12455.

Bao W, Shen J, Ding X and Wu X (2019) Dimensional change of wool fabrics in the process of a tumble-drying cycle, Textile Research Journal, 2019, 89 (21-22), 4702-4709.

Zhang P, Zhang N, Wang Q, Wang P, Yuan J, Shen J, Fan X (2019), Disulfide bond reconstruction: a novel approach for grafting of thiolated chitosan onto wool, Carbohydrate Polymers. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2019, 203, 369-377.

Prajapati C, Smith E, Kane F, Shen J (2019), Selective enzymatic modification of wool blended fabrics for surface patterning, the Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 211, 909-921.

Bai R, Yu Y, Wang Q, Fan X, Wang P, Yuan J, Shen J (2019), Chitosan-Templated Bio-coloration of cotton fabrics via laccase-catalyzed polymerization of hydroquinone, Engineering in Life Sciences. 2019, 19, 643-654.

Morgan L, Kane F, Tyrer J, Shen J (2018), Laser Shibori: A Digital Moulding Technique Supporting Circular Textile Design in Three Dimensions, Journal of Textile Design Research and Practice, 2018, 6(1), 5-22.

Prajapati C, Smith E, Kane F, Shen J (2018), Laccase-catalysed coloration of wool and nylon, Coloration Technology, 134(6), 423-439

Bai R, Yu Y, Wang Q, Fan X, Wang P, Yuan J, Shen J (2018), Laccase-catalyzed poly(ethylene glycol)-templated ‘zip’ polymerization of caffeic acid for functionalization of wool fabrics, the Journal of Cleaner Production, 191, 48-56.

Iakovlev D 1, Hu S, Hassan H, Dwyer V, Ashayer-Soltani R, Hunt C and Shen J (2018), Smart Garment Fabrics to Enable Non-Contact Opto-Physiological Monitoring, Biosensors, 8(2), 33.

Yuan M, Wang Q, Shen J, Smith E, Bai R, Fan X (2018) Enzymatic coloration and finishing of wool with laccase and polyethylenimine, Textile Research Journal, 88(16), 1834-1846.

Shen J, Smith E, Chizyuka M and Prajapati C (2017), Development of durable shrink-resist coating of wool with sol-gel polymer processing, Fibers and Polymers, 18(9), 1769-1779.

Prajapati C, Smith E, Kane F, Shen J (2017), Enzyme Catalysed Coloration and Surface Patterning, International Dyer, 202(3), 59-61.

Zhang T, Bai R, Shen J, Wang Q, Wang P, Yuan J, Fan X (2017) Laccase-catalyzed polymerization of diaminobenzenesulfonic acid for pH-responsive colour-changing and conductive wool fabrics, Textile Research Journal, online available now

Riley K, Williams J, Owen L, Davis A, Shen J and Laird K (2017) The Effect of Low Temperature Laundering and Detergents on the Survival of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus on Textiles Used in Healthcare Uniforms. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 123(1), 280-286.

Riley K, Fergusson M, and Shen J (2017), Sustainable Fabric Choice for Regularly Laundered Healthcare Uniforms, The Journal of the Textile Institute, 108(3), 440-444.

Bai R, Yu Y, Wang Q, Yuan J, Fan X and Shen J (2016), Laccase-catalyzed in-situ dyeing of wool fabric, The Journal of the Textile Institute, 107(8),995-1003.

Shen J and Smith E (2015),  'Enzymatic treatments for sustainable textile processing' in the book, Sustainable apparel: production, processing and recycling (Edited by R Blackburn), Woodhead Publishing Ltd, England. (ISBN-10:1782423397), pp 119-134.

Pei E, Shen J and Watling J (2015), Direct 3D printing of polymers onto textiles: experimental studies and applications, Rapid Prototyping Journal, 21(5), 556-571.

Price S L, Huddersman K D, Shen J, Walsh S E (2013), Mycobactericidal activity of hydrogen peroxide activated by a novel heterogeneous fentons-like catalyst system, Letters in Applied Microbiology. 56(2), 83-87.

Smith E and Shen J (2012), Enzymatic treatment of wool pre-treated with cetyltrimethylammonium bromide to achieve machine washability, Biocatalysis and Biotransformation, 30(1), 38-47.

Smith E and Shen J. (2012) Surface treatment of wool to achieve hydrophilic fibre and the effect on subsequent dyeing and protease treatment, Advanced Materials Research, 441, 249-254.

Smith E, Zhang Q, Farrand B, Kokol V and Shen J (2012)  The development of a bio-scouring process for raw wool using protease, Advanced Materials Research, 441, 10-15.

Smith E and Shen J (2011), Surface modification of wool with protease extracted polypeptides, Journal of Biotechnology, 156, 134-140.

Smith E, Farrand B and Shen J (2010), The removal of lipid from the surface of wool to promote the subsequent enzymatic process with modified protease for wool shrink-resistance, Biocatalysis and Biotransformation, 28 (5-6), 329-338.

Smith E, Schroeder M, Güebitz G and Shen J (2010), Covalent bonding of protease to different sized enteric polymers and their potential use in wool processing, Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 47, 105-111.

Shen J (2010), ‘Enzymatic treatment of protein fibres’ in the book: Advances in Textile Biotechnology (Edited by V Nierstrasz and A Cavaco-Paulo), Woodhead Publishing Ltd. England, 171-192, (ISBN 1 84569 625 5).

Lenting H B M, Broekman H, Guebitz G M, Kokol V and Shen J (2009), Industrial production of enzyme-modified wool fibres for machine-washable bed coverings, Biotechnology Journal, 4(10), 1441-1449.

Shen J (2009), Wool finishing and the development of novel finishes in the book, Advances in wool technology (Edited by N A G Johnson and I Russell), Woodhead Publishing Ltd, England. (ISBN 1 84569 332 9), pp 147-182.

Smith E, Zhang Q, Shen J, Schroeder M and Silva C (2008), Modification of Esperase by covalent bonding to Eudragit polymers L 100 and S 100 for wool fibre surface treatment. Biocatalysis and Biotransformation, 26(5), pp 391-398.

Tsobkallo ES, Kvaratskheliya V A, Shen J and Wyatt J (2008), The influence of temperature on residual deformation of Phenylon and Nomex yarns following the creep-recovery process. J Text Inst, 99(5), pp 451-457.

Research interests/expertise

  • Bio-engineering in textile processing 
  • Textile materials and their performance
  • Textile dyeing, printing and finishing
  • Flame retardant finishing
  • Natural fibres (cotton, wool, silk, flax, hemp and nettle, etc)
  • Enzyme-based textile Biotechnology 
  • Textiles effluent treatments 
  • Protein fibres and multifunctional protein materials 
  • Nano-layer surface coating 
  • Sol-gel technology
  • Natural fibre reinforce composites

Areas of teaching

  • Textile preparation, coloration and finishing 
  • Textile performance and testing
  • Advanced textile technology
  • Textile Biotechnology


  • MSc and BSc in textile chemistry (Donghua University)
  • PhD in protein chemistry (University of Leeds)

Courses taught

  • Textile Finishes and Product Performance
  • Project supervision at both undergraduate level and MPhil / PhD.
  • Textile Dyeing, Printing and Finishing

Honours and awards

Visiting Professor. Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, China, 4/2013 - 3/2015.

Visiting Professor, Jiangnan University, China, 2007-2010.

Membership of external committees

  • Publication Awards Committee member of the SDC (the Society of Dyers and Colourists).

  • Committee member of the Education, Qualification and Accrediitation Board (EQAB) of the SDC (Society of Dyers an Colourists).
  • Committee member of the SDC (Society of Dyers an Colourists) Midlands Region.
  • Committee Member for EU COST Action (CA16227) - Investigation and Mathematical Analysis of Avant-garde Diseae Control via Mosquito Nano-Tech-Repellents.
  • Sccientific committee member of 2019 International Conference on Eco-textiles (ICET2019) and Young Scholar Forum, 4th-6th August 2019 in Wuxi, China.
  • Scientific committee member of the 8th, 9th and 10th International Conference on Polymer and Fiber Biotechnology, Portugal 25-27 May 2014, Japan 7-9 September 2016 and Brazil 24-27 April 2017.
  • Scientific committee member of the 13th International Wool Research Conference (IWRC-13) and AATCC Sustainability Symposium (AATCC-SS), June 10-14, 2015 in Hangzhou, China.
  • Scientific committee and conference organizing committee member of the International Conference on Eco-Dyeing / Finishing and Green Chemistry (EDFGC2011) in Hangzhou, China, 8-12 June 2011.
  • Scientific committee member of 12th International Wool Research Conference, Shanghai, China, 19-22 October 2010.
  • Scientific committee member of 1st international conference on Sustainable Textiles (ICST08), China, 18-21 May 2008.
  • Consultant Committee member of National engineering Research Centre for Dyeing and finishing of textiles, Ministry of Science and Technology of China since 2002.
  • Chair of Chinese Textile & Apparel Society in UK, 2006-2008.

Membership of professional associations and societies

  • Corporate Member of the Society of Dyers and Colourists 
  • Member of Society of Chemical Industry (SCI)
  • Crystal Faraday member for UK’s innovation centre for green chemical technology
  • Member of Chinese Textile & Apparel Society in UK

Conference attendance

Laird K, Shen J, Soroh A, Rahim N, and Grancaric A (2019), Microencapsulation of natural essential oils to develop sustainable textiles for antimicrobial and mosquito repellent functionality, EU COST ACTION project (CA16227) Interdisciplinary Research on Mosquito-combating Textiles and Paints, Scientific Meeting, Malta, December 2019. 

Grancaric A M, Laird K, Botteri L, Shen J and Laatikainen K (2019), Microencapsulation for Improved Mosquitoes Repellent Efficacy of Cotton Fabrics, ITMC 2019 Conference, Marrakech, Morocco, 13-15 November 2019.

Shen J, Enzyme-catalysed synthesis of polymeric colorants for wool coloration and surface patterning, the 2019 International Conference on Eco-Textiles (ICET2019) and Young Scholar Forum, 4 - 6 August 2019, Wuxi, China.

Shen J, Enzyme biotechnology for textile coloration and surface patterning, 2019 International Symposium on Advanced Textile Science and Engineering, 9th July 2019, Shanghai, China,

Grancaric A, Laird K, Shen J and Botteri L, Development of sustainable cotton fabrics with natural immortelle essential oil for antimicrobial and mosquito repellent functions. 1st International Conference on Political Decision Making and Vector-Borne Diseases – Interdisciplinary Research, Complexity and Bio-Mathematics, 4-5 of April 2019, Valença, Portugal.

Soroh A, Shen J, Laird K, Natural Products for Use in Antimicrobial Microcapsules for Textiles: Novel and Green.  EU COST ACTION (network) project (CA16227) Interdisciplinary Research on Mosquito-combating Textiles and Paints, Scientific Meeting, October 2018, Orhid, Macedonia.

Shen J, Prajapati C, Smith E, Kane F, Enzyme-based biotechnology for textile coloration and surface pattern, The 91st Textile Institute World Conference, 23-26 July 2018, Leeds, UK

Laura M, Shen J, Matthews J and Tyrer J, From Responsive Design to Sustainable Systems: Digital Laser Processing across the Textile Production Cycle, The 91st Textile Institute World Conference, 23-26 July 2018, Leeds, UK

Laura M, Shen J, Matthews J and Tyrer J, Laser Peri-Dyeing for Agile Textile Design: Implementing Laser Processing Research within the Textile Industry, Proceedings of 18th AUTEX World Textile Conference, 20 - 22 June 2018, Istanbul, Turkey.

Shen J, Prajapati C, Smith E, Kane F, Enzyme-based Biotechnology for Textile Coloration and Surface Patterning, Proceedings of 18th AUTEX World Textile Conference, 20 - 22 June 2018, Istanbul, Turkey.

Moragan L, Prajapati C, Shen J, Kane F, Tyrer J and Smith E, Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Textile Coloration and Surface Design, 10th International Conference on Fiber and Polymer Biotechnology, 24-27 April 2018, Balneário Camboriú, Brazil.

Prajapati C, Shen J and Smith E, Enzyme Catalysed Coloration and Surface Patterning. Exhibited at Intersections: Collaboration in Textile Design Research Exhibition, September 13, 2017, Loughborough University, London.

Ogbechie A, Abioye A, Shen J, Laird K, Antimicrobial Activity of Litsea, Lemon and Rosemary Essential Oils and Their Combinations Against Healthcare and Sportswear Infection-Related Pathogens, ASM Microbe, 2017, New Orleans.

Prajapati C, Smith E, Kane F, Shen J, Laccase-catalysed colouration of wool and nylon fibres. The 9th International Conference on Fiber and Polymer Biotechnology, 7 - 9 September 2016, Osaka, Japan.

Shen J, Laccase-catalysed colouration and finishing of wool. The 9th International Conference on Fiber and Polymer Biotechnology, 7 - 9 September 2016, Osaka, Japan.

Prajapati C, Smith E, Kane F, Shen, J, Biotechnology for textile coloration and surface pattern. The Emperor’s New Clothes, 8th September 2016, University of Leeds, UK;

Morgan L, Kane F, Tyrer J, Shen J, Laser Moulding For Textiles: Supporting Sustainable Design and Manufacture. Circular Transitions - Mistra Future Fashion Conference on Textile Design and the Circular Economy, 23–24 November 2016, Chelsea College of Arts & Tate Britain, London.

Shen J, Chizyuka M, Prajapati C, Smith E, Surface modification of wool with proteolytic enzyme and sol-gel polymer, 13th International Wool Research Conference (IWRC-13) and AATCC Sustainability Symposium (AATCC-SS), 10-14 June 2015, Hangzhou, China

Prajapati C, Smith E, Kane F, Shen J, Laccase-catalysed coloration for textile fibres, 13th International Wool Research Conference (IWRC-13) and AATCC Sustainability Symposium (AATCC-SS), 10-14 June 2015, Hangzhou, China

Morgan L, Tyrer J, Kane F, Shen J, Laser-Dyeing for Sustainable Textile Design, 13th International Wool Research Conference (IWRC-13) and AATCC Sustainability Symposium (AATCC-SS), 10-14 June 2015, Hangzhou, China

Morgan L, Tyrer, J, Kane F, Shen J, Laser Enhanced Dyeing of Wool for Textile Design, Transition: Re-thinking Textiles and Surfaces, 26-27 Nov 2014, Huddersfield, UK

Prajapati C, Smith E, Kane F, Shen J, Enzyme processing technology to generate textile surface patterning, Transition: Re-thinking Textiles and Surfaces, 26-27 Nov 2014, Huddersfield, UK

Varheenmaa M, Martinkova L and Shen J,  Evaluation of repellency and cleanability properties of the multifunctional protective textiles treated with nanosol-based finishing, 28th International Conference on Surface Modification Technologies, 16-18 June, 2014, Tampere, Finland.

Shen J, Novel finishing of protease treated wool, the 8th International Conference on polymer and fiber biotechnology, 25 - 27 May 2014, Portugal.

Prajapati C, Smith E, Kane F, Shen J, An investigation into enzyme processing technology to generate textile surface patterning, the 8th International Conference on polymer and fiber biotechnology, 25 - 27 May 2014, Portugal.

Shen J and Smith E, Novel approaches of enzymatic surface modification of wool to achieve machine washability, 12th Asian Textile Conference (ATC-12), Shanghai, China, October 23-26, 2013.

ShenJ, Smith E, Chizyuka M, Walsh S, and Martinková L, The development of sol-gel based hybrid polymers to achieve multifunctional textile fabric surface coating, the XVII International Sol-Gel conference, Madrid, Spain, 25-30 August 2013.

ShenJ, Smith E, Chizyuka M, Walsh S, and Martinková L,Sol-gel process of cotton fabric to achieve multifunctionality, 13th AUTEX World Textile Conference, Dresden, Germany, 22th - 24th May 2013.

ShenJ, Smith E. Novel approaches of enzymatic processing of wool to achieve machine washability, BIT’s 4th Symposium of Enzymes & Biocatalysis, Nanjing, China, 25-27 April 2013.

Shen J, Smith E, Chizyuka M, Walsh S, and Martinková L, Nanolayer surface coating of cotton fabric with sol-gel based hybrid polymers to achieve hydrophobic and antibacterial properties, 12th World Textile Conference AUTEX, 13 - 15 June 2012, Zadar, Croatia.

Shen J, Smith E, Chizyuka M, Walsh S, and Martinková L, Sol gel hybrid polymer coating of cotton fabrics, the International Conference on Eco-Dyeing/ Finishing and Green Chemistry, Hangzhou, China, 8-12 June 2011,

Smith E, Shen J. Surface treatment of wool to achieve hydrophilic fibre and the effect on subsequent dyeing and protease treatment, the International Conference on Eco-Dyeing/ Finishing and Green Chemistry, Hangzhou, China, 8-12 June 2011, 

Smith E, Zhang Q, Farrand B, Kokol V, Shen J. The development of a bio-scouring process for raw wool using protease, the International Conference on Eco-Dyeing/ Finishing and Green Chemistry, Hangzhou, China, 8-12 June 2011,

Walsh S E, Price S L, Boateng M K, Shen J and Huddersman K, Potentiation of hydrogen peroxide activity using a novel heterogeneous catalyst, the 111th General Meeting of American Society for Microbiology, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 21-24 May 2011.

Price S L, Shen J, Huddersman K and Walsh S E, Mycobactericidal and bactericidal properties of a novel antimicrobial catalyst and its ‘leachate’, Summer conference 2011 of society for applied microbiology, Dublin, Ireland, 4-7 July 2011.

Shen J, Smith E and Dogra N, Sol-gel hybrid polymers for surface coating of textile materials, the 7th International Conference on Polymer and Textile Biotechnology, Milan, Italy, 2-4 March 2011.

Smith E and Shen J, Treatment of wool with enzyme extracted wool polypeptide to achieve shrink-resistance, the 7th International Conference on Polymer and Textile Biotechnology, Milan, Italy, 2-4 March 2011.

Smith E and Shen J (2010), Development of Enzymatic Processing of Cetyltrimethylammonium Bromide Pre-treated Wool to Achieve Machine Washability, Proceedings of the 12th International Wool Research Conference, 19-22 Oct. 2010, Vol I, 189-193.

Shen J (2010), Progress on enzymatic treatment of wool fibres with native and modified proteases, the Inaugural Symposium on Enzymes & Biocatalysis, Shanghai, China, 22-24 April 2010.

Shen J, Smith E, Farrand B and Zhang Q, (2008), Development of functional surface coatings of wool fibre using sol gel or extracted protein resin, Cost Action 868 – Biotechnical Functionalisation of Renewable Polymeric Materials, Varna, Bulgaria, 18-19 September 2008. 

Shen J (2008), Enzymatic shrink-resist process based on modified proteases for machine washable wool, the 5th International Conference of Textile Research Division, 6-8 April 2008 in Cairo, Egypt.

Consultancy work

  • Textile materials and their performance
  • Textile dyeing, printing and finishing
  • Enzyme-based textile Biotechnology 
  • Textiles effluent treatments 
  • Protein fibres and multifunctional protein materials 
  • Nano-layer surface coating 
  • Sol-gel technology
  • Photocatalysis

Current research students

Kate Riley (PhD awarded in 2015), "Fibre choice for improved sustainability in regularly laundered healthcare textiles" (1st Supervisor)

Mutinta Chizyuka (PhD awarded in 2016), “Development of sol-gel technology for textile surface coating to achieve self-cleaning and antibacterial properties” (1st Supervisor)

Chetna Prajapati (PhD awarded in 2017), “Biotechnology for textile design: 3D colour and surface patterning” (1st Supervisor)

Joanne Horton (PhD awarded in 2018), "Novel applications of metallised embellishment for high value mixed media textiles" (1st Supervisor)

Anita Ogbechie (PhD awarded in 2019), “Green Microencapsulation for antimicrobial coating of textiles" (2nd Supervisor)

Guoli Li (PhD awarded in 2019), "The effectiveness of orthotics in reducing the hallux valgus angle for patients with mild and moderate hallux valgus", (1st Supervisor)

Randa Alsabhi(PhD-awarded in 2021), "3D printing on textiles", (1st Supervisor)

Nalinee Netithammakorn (PhD-awarded in 2021), "Bioprocessing of wool and flax textile materials", (1st Supervisor)

Jisook Harn (PhD candidate), "Laser technology for textile surface design", (1st Supervisor)

James Stewart (PhD candidate) “Upcycling of Post-Consumer Food Packaging Materials”, (1st Supervisor)

Clémence Belbéoch (PhD candidate) “Discarded wool sustainable processing: circular solutions for fibre’s valorisation”, (2nd Supervisor)

Katie Silver (PhD candidate) "Development of a durable, affordable eco- friendly textile solution for microbial control" (2nd Supervisor)

Externally funded research grants information

Source of funds: BBSRC (Grant Ref: BB/X011623/1)
Project title: 
Approaches of enzyme-based biotechnology to achieve textiles recovery and reuse for circularity
Role in project: Principal investigator
Duration: 24 months 
Starting date: 1st February 2023
Project value: £374,374
Collaborators: Loughborough University, Camira Fabrics Ltd, Fox Brothers & Co Ltd, The Woolmark Company.

Source of funds: BBNet POC (POC03-Jul21-Shen-09)
Project title: Development of enzyme-based coloration and coating for sustainable machine washable wool to support the wool industry transition to a circular system
Role in project: 
Principal investigator
12 months 
Starting date: 
1st October 2021
Project value:
Loughborough University, British Wool, Fox Brothers & Co Ltd, The Woolmark Company.

Source of funds: EU COST Action (CA16227)
Project title: Investigation and Mathematical Analysis of Avant-garde Disease Control via Mosquito Nano-tech-repellents
Role in project: Management committee member (UK)
Duration: 48 months 
Starting date: 21st September 2017

Source of funds: AHRC Grant (AH/P014925/1)
Project title:
Industrial Exploitation of Laser-Dyeing Processes for Apparel and Furnishing Textiles Markets
Role in project: Principal investigator
Duration: 9 months 
Starting date: 1st October 2017
Project value: £98,220
Collaborators: Loughborough University, Speedo, Camira Fabrics, Stretchline, Crystal Martin

Source of funds: Cotton Incorporated (CI)
Project title:
Functional Cotton Fabrics with Durable Sensing Ability
Role in project: Principal investigator
Duration: 12 months 
Starting date: 1st January 2015
Project value: US$77,432 (Funding from CI: US$50,621)
Collaborators: National Physiical Laboratory, Loughborough University

Source of funds: Technology Strategy Board (TSB)
Project title:
Laser Processing for Textile Surface Modification
Role in project:
DMU Principal investigator 
15 months 
Starting date:
1st September 2014
Project value:
Camira Fabrics, Loughborough University

Source of funds: AHRC Research Grant-Standard (AH/J002666/1)
Project title: Laser Enhanced Biotechnology for Textile Design: 3D Colour and Surface Patterning
Role in project: Coordinator / Principal investigator
Duration: 3 years 
Starting date: 30th June 2012
Project value: £252,608
Collaborators: Loughborough University, Speedo, Camira Fabrics, Teresa Green Design

Source of funds: EU FP7 Collaborative Project Targeted to SMEs (NMP2-SE-2010-228439)
Project title:
High-Protective Clothing for Complex Emergency Operation
Role in project: DMU Principal investigator
Duration: 3.5 years 
Starting date: 1st April 2010
Project value: €4,224,567
Collaborators: CLOTEFI (coordinator), INOTEX spol,s.r.o. (CZ), RESCOLL Technical Centre of Materials (FR), TDV Industries (FR), Tampere University of Technology (FI), GAIKER Technological Centre (ES), Swerea IVF AB (SE), Next Technology Tecnotessile Societá Nazionale di Ricerca (IT), LEITAT Technological Center (ES), Lenzi Egisto S.p.A (IT), Vyskumny ustav chemických vlakien (SK), CALSTA Work Wear S.A. (GR), NANOTHINX S.A. (GR), Suministros Iruñako S.V. (ES), CETEMMSA Technological Center (ES), SAR-ESPAÑA (ES), RESCUE GR (GR).

Source of funds: EU FP6 Co-operative Research Project in the “Horizontal Research Activities involving SMEs (COOP-CT-2005-032877) 
Project title: Enzymatic Up-grading of Wool Fibres
Acronym: ENZUP
Role in project: Coordinator / Principal investigator
Duration: 2 years 
Starting date: 1st October 2006
Project value: €1,889,336
Collaborators: Tints Enrich S.L. (ES), Color-center S.A. (ES), Lokateks Skofja (SI), Qualizyme Biotechnology (A), VOF Ovis Texla (NL), James Weekers (NL), Graz University of Technology (A), University of Minho (P), TNO for Applied Scientific Research (NL), Technical University of Catlonia (ES), University of Maribor (SI).

Source of funds: UK DEFRA Renewable Industrial Materials (NF0529)
Project title: Development of Industrial Effluent Treatment Catalysts from Low Value Fleeces
Role in project: DMU Co-PI 
Duration: 3 years 
Starting date: 2004
Project value: £325,000
Collaborators: DMU Health and Life Sciences (Prof Katherine Huddersman, project coordinator and PI), Loughborough University, Fera, Woolmark, Effotreat. 

Source of funds: EU FP5 Competitive and Sustainable Growth (G1RD-CT-2002-00695)
Project title: Modified Proteases for the Reduction of Felting and Shrinkage of Wool Textiles
Acronym: PROTEX
Role in project: Coordinator / Principal investigator
Duration: 3.3 years 
Starting date: 1st June 2002
Project value: €1,860,941
Collaborators: Drummond Parkland of England (UK), Alphachem Specialities Ltd (UK), VOF Ovis Texla (NL), James Weekers (NL), Graz University of Technology (A), University of Minho (P), TNO for Applied Scientific Research (NL).

Source of funds: EU FP5 Competitive and Sustainable Growth (G1RD-CT-1999-00064)
Project title: Biotechnical Treatment and Recycling of Textile Processing Effluents
Role in project: DMU PI
Duration: 3 years 
Starting date: 1st February 2000
Project value: €1,640,223
Collaborators: DWI (D) (coordinator), Textile Alberto De Sousa (P), VTT (FIN), University of Minho (P); Berghof (D), KRKA (SI), STOEHR (D), Graz University of Technology (A); Dystar (D); Quantum Clothing Group Limited (UK)

Published patents

Treatment of wool with enzyme extracted wool polypeptide, September 2010, filing for UK patent, application no.: 1015962.2.

Professional esteem indicators

    • Keynote Speeches and session chair for the international conferences: "2019 International Symposium on Advanced Textile Science and Engineering, Shanhai, China, 9th July 2019" and "the 2019 International Conference on Eco-Textiles (ICET2019), 4-6 August 2019, Wuxi, China".
    • Editorial board member of Textiles and Clothing Sustainability
    • Editorial board member of the Journal of Textile Design Research and Practice
    • Chair of conference sessions at 12th Asian Textile Conference (ATC-12), Shanghai, China, October 23-26, 2013.
    • Chair of conference sessions atBIT’s 4th Symposium of Enzymes & Biocatalysis, Nanjing, China, 25-27 April 2013.
    • Chair of conference sessions at the 7th International Conference on Polymer and Textile Biotechnology (IPTB2011) in Milan Italy, 2-4 March 2011.
    • Chair of conference sessions at the International Conference on Eco-Dyeing / Finishing and Green Chemistry (EDFGC2011) in Hangzhou, China, 8-12 June 2011. 
    • Chair of conference sessions and keynote speech at 12th International Wool Research Conference, Shanghai, China, 19-22 October 2010.
    • Chair of conference sessions at the Inaugural Symposium on Enzymes & Biocatalysis, 22-24 April 2010 in Shanghai, China.
    • UK expert representative in EU COST ACTION 847 “Textile Quality and Biotechnology”, Specialist knowledge in three areas: (a) Cellulosic Fibres, (b) Protein Fibres and (c) Effluent Treatment.
    • EURATEX thematic expert representative on Biomaterials, biotechnologies and environmentally friendly textile processing (Group n° 3) for the European Technology Platform for the Future of Textiles and Clothing.
    • Chair of conference sessions at 5th International Conference of Textile Research Division, 6-8 April 2008 in Cairo, Egypt.
    • Keynote speech at 5th International Conference on Textile Biotechnology, 21-24 October 2007 in Wuxi, China.
    • Chair of conference sessions at the 3rd and 4th International Conference on Textile Biotechnology in 2004 and 2006.
    • Keynote speech at the 3rd International Conference on Textile Biotechnology, 13-16 June 2004 in Graz, Austria,
    • Chair of sessions at the COST ACTION 847 workshop, 11-12 November 2004 in Portugal.
    • External examiner for the postgraduate examination at University of Leeds, University of Karachi and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Journal Refereeing information:

  • PROTEINS: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics;
  • Biocatalysis and Biotransformation;
  • Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics;
  • Coloration Technology; 
  • Chemosphere;
  • Biotechnology Journal; 
  • The Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology; 
  • Textile Research Journal; 
  • Journal of the Textile Institute; 
  • Engineering in Life Sciences; 
  • Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology; 
  • Polymer International.