Professor Jeffrey Hill

Job: Emeritus Professor of Historical and Cultural Studies

Faculty: Arts, Design and Humanities

School/department: School of Humanities

Research group(s): International Centre for Sport History and Culture (ICSHC)

Address: De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, UK, LE1 9BH

T: n/a



Personal profile

Jeff Hill was the Director of the International Centre for Sport History and Culture from 2001 until 2007.  Since then he has remained in the Centre as an Emeritus Professor.  Before joining DMU he was a departmental head at Nottingham Trent University, and has been a visiting professor at the University of British Columbia (1994) and Columbus State University, Georgia, USA (2006).  He gave the John R Betts Honor Address to the North American Society for Sport History in 2004, and the Sir Derek Birley Lecture to the British Society of Sport History in 2009.  From 2001 to 2005 he was joint editor of Sport in History.

Hill’s main academic interests are in the areas of sport and recreation, popular culture, and historiography and theory, principally in a twentieth-century British and European context.  Recent publications include Sport, Leisure and Culture in Twentieth-Century Britain (Palgrave Macmillan, 2002), Sport and the Literary Imagination (Peter Lang, 2006), and Sport in History: An Introduction (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010).  He has edited the Cambridge Companion to Cricket (CUP, 2011) with Anthony Bateman, and is currently preparing Sport, History and Heritage: An Investigation into the Public Representation of Sport with Kevin Moore and Jason Wood for publication (Boydell and Brewer) in 2012.  He has also published several articles and book chapters on the theme of sport in literature over the past few years.  He is presently working on the relationship between sport, voluntary association and politics in interwar Britain.

Research group affiliations

History, and History of Sport and Leisure

Key research outputs


Learie Constantine and Race Relations in Britain and the Empire (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019)

Popular Politics and Popular Culture in the Age of the Masses: Studies in Lancashire and the North-West of England, 1880s-1930s (Peter Lang, 2014).

Sport, History and Heritage: Studies in Public Representation (Boydell and Brewer, 2012) - with Kevin Moore and Jason Wood.

Cambridge Companion to Cricket (Cambridge University Press, 2011) - with Anthony Bateman.

Sport in History: An Introduction (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010).

Book Chapters:

Sport Fictions: In Praise of Masculinity?’, in J. Hargreaves and E. Anderson eds, The Routledge Handbook of Sport, Gender and Sexuality (Routledge, 2014).

‘”What Shall We Do With Them When They Are Not Working?” Leisure and Historians in Britain’, in B. Bebber ed, Leisure and Cultural Conflict in Twentieth-Century Britain (Manchester University Press, 2012), pp. 11-40.



Externally funded research grants information

AHRC 2006: Sport, History and Heritage – a study in the public representation of sport (2006-08 – Principal Investigator).

Professional esteem indicators

Editorial board of Sport in History (GB) and Journal of Sport History (USA).