Dr Douglas Cawthorne

Job: Reader in Digital Heritage

Faculty: Arts, Design and Humanities

School/department: Leicester School of Architecture

Research group(s): Digital Building Heritage Group

Address: De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, UK, LE1 9BH

T: +44 (0)116 257 7442

E: DCawthorne@dmu.ac.uk

W: https://www.dmu.ac.uk/dbh

Personal profile

Douglas Cawthorne is a UK Registered Architect, author and researcher.

Research group affiliations

Research interests/expertise


Areas of teaching



BSc Architecture
BArch (Hons)
PhD (Cantab)

Courses taught


Membership of professional associations and societies

Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS) 

Professional licences and certificates

Architects Registration Board (ARB) license to practice.

Key articles information

Consultancy work

Cawthorne D, Moran R, “Leicester Cathedral Revealed”, a series of animated digital reconstructions and fly-through of fifteen phases of the evolution of Leicester Cathedral from 210AD to the present and including architectural proposals for a new cathedral visitor centre designed by van Heyningen and Haward Architects (VHH). Commercial contract for Leicester Cathedral. 04/07/2016-30/09/2016.

Cawthorne, D, Davies S., Irodotou, R., 3D digital reconstruction, 2D textured renders and a Large 3D print of a Reconstruction of Bradgate House. Commercial contract for the Bradgate Park Trust’s Bradgate Park Visitor’s Centre in collaboration with Creative Good Ltd, exhibition designers 25/04/2016-20/07/2016.

Commercial Sub-Contract for University of Leicester – Part of an AHRC research Grant Ref: AH/L008025/1, Title: Affective Digital Histories: Recreating De-industrial Places, 1970s to the Present, Prof. Ming Lim (P-I, University of Leicester), 05/10/2014 – 02/03/2015.

Leicester City Council (LCC) Commission for high quality CGI reconstruction of Greyfriars Church and Greyfriars Medieval Leicester for the new King Richard III Visitors centre 05/04/2014 – 20/06/2014.

BBC East Midlands, commercial contract: The Sir John Moore School, a 3D digital reconstruction of an un-built, late 17th century Wren/Hawksmoor design for a school in Derbyshire. Part of the BBC’s Great British Story TV series. Principal Investigator: Dr Douglas Cawthorne, 05/05/2012 – 05/07/2012.

Commercial contract: Digital reconstruction of the Athenian 4th century BC Choragic Monument of Lysicrates and 3D prints of it at 1:20 for exhibition and other related work. Principal Investigator: Dr Douglas Cawthorne, 06/06/2010 – 20/11/2010,

Leicester City Council Museum’s Department. Experimental 3D laser scanning of Roman artefacts and 3D printing of copies for exhibition and visitor handling. Principal Investigator: Dr Douglas Cawthorne, 07/01/2010 – 11/07/2010.

Externally funded research grants information

Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), Grant Reference: AH/L013290/1, Title: Digital Building Heritage: Phase 3”, Follow On funding. Research Organization: De Montfort University, Collaborating Institutions: Dept. of Archaeology University of Durham, Dept. of Archaeology University of Nottingham. Principal Investigator: Dr. Douglas Cawthorne, 03/02/2014 – 02/04/2015.

Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), Connected Communities Showcase Award, award for project stand and display for exhibiting Digital Building Heritage Group (DBHG) work in an Edinburgh AHRC Showcase at Heriot Watt University, P.I. Dr. Douglas Cawthorne, June 2013-July 2013.

Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), Grant Reference: AH/K007610/1, Title: “Digital Building Heritage: Phase II”, Follow On funding. Research Organization: De Montfort University, Principal Investigator: Dr. Douglas Cawthorne, 1/2/2013 – 31/12/2013

Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), Grant Reference: AH/J013366/1, Title: “Digital Building Heritage”, Research Organisation: De Montfort University, Principal Investigator: Dr Douglas Cawthorne, 1/2/2012 – 31/01/2013.

Cawthorne D, Imbabi M.S. (Later R. Webster) EPSRC Grant GR/K23461/01, "The Use of Diffusive and Dynamic Insulation for Combined Heat Recovery and Ventilation in Buildings". 04 January 1995 - 03 January 1998

Internally funded research project information

Cawthorne, D, “The Newarke Through the Ages”. A Phased 3D digital reconstruction of the Newarke Precinct in Leicester from the Roman period (210 AD) to the Edwardian period (1904). For De Montfort University Heritage Centre. 17/10/ 2015 – 01/04/2016

Cawthorne, D, DMU Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF) 5 Proof of Principle (PoP) Grant, Title: Commercialising Laser Scanning to Building Information Modelling (BIM) Dr Douglas Cawthorne (PI), 02/02/2015 – 31/07/2015

Picanali, L (PI) Cawthorne, D (CoI), Prof. Ferranti Neri (Co-I), Dr. Mark Case (Co-I), DMU Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF) 5 Proof of Principle (PoP) Grant, Title: Audio Tactile Maps: Stage II 01/10/2014 – 30/06/2015

DMU Higher Education Investment Fund (HEIF) 5 Grant, Title: Audio Tactile Maps with Dr. Lorenzo Picinali, DMU, 6/01/2014 – 6/07/2014.

DMU RCIF2 Research Capital Investment Funding, Faro Focus 3D laser scanner and associated equipment. Research Organization: De Montfort University, Principal Investigator: Dr. Douglas Cawthorne, November 2013.

MU PhD Scholarship Award (Full Fees + £13,770 p/a Bursary for 3 years) “3D Digital Interpretation with English Heritage.” First Supervisor Dr. Douglas Cawthorne, PhD Student: October 2013 – October 2017.

DMU RCIF2 Research Capital Investment Funding, Computer equipment and software for Digital Building heritage Research. Research Organization: De Montfort University, Principal Investigator: Dr Douglas Cawthorne, January 2013.

De Montfort University, Internal Award. 3D Visualization of development proposals for De Montfort University campus. 01/02/2011- 18/06/2011

Institute of Creative Technologies (IOTC) and East Midlands Development Agency (EMDA): Virtual Roman Leicester: research contract to build a 3D interactive virtual reality model of Roman Leicester in the year 2010AD using the Unity games engine, Principal Investigator: Dr Douglas Cawthorne, 01/01/2009 – 22/12/2009