Carolyn Hardaker

Job: Principal Lecturer, Associate Head of Department

School/department: School of Fashion and Textiles

Address: De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: +44 (0)116 257 7542




Personal profile

Carolyn is a Principal Lecturer in the School of Fashion and Textiles and her specialist area is Computer Aided Design. Graduating with a BSc(Hons) from Durham University and an MPhil from Loughborough University, she joined De Montfort University in 1989, after working as a CAD systems specialist in a variety of industries.

With 19 years teaching experience Carolyn works with students across the School. Her teaching covers specialist applications for garment pattern design and grading, visual merchandising, 3D footwear design and along with generic applications for design such as Photoshop and Illustrator with a fashion and textiles focus.

Throughout her career Carolyn has undertaken a number of EU and government funded research studies in the use of CAD and its pedagogy and has worked closely with industry to develop short courses and training materials.

Research interests/expertise

Computer Aided Design, CAD systems specialist, specialist applications for garment pattern design and grading, visual merchandising, 3D footwear design, application design as Photoshop and Illustrator with a fashion and textiles focus, the use of CAD and its pedagogy, short courses and training materials. Computer Aided Design for Fashion and Textiles covering garment shapes, fashion illustrations, pattern drafting, grading for lingerie, visual merchandising and 3D modelling for footwear. Development of supportive e-learning resources. 

Recent projects include a HEA funded project to develop a suite of screencasts to support the teaching of CAD for fashion and textiles,  and a British Council FEED-IN project to develop a collaboration between De Montfort University and Izmir University of Economics in Turkey via a joint student project. 

Areas of teaching

Computer Aided Design for Fashion and Textiles covering garment shapes, fashion illustrations, pattern drafting, grading for lingerie, visual merchandising and 3D modelling for footwear.

A key focus of my teaching includes the development of supportive e-learning resources.


MPhil Computer Aided Design Loughborough University

PG Dip Computer Aided Design Lanchester Polytechnic

BSc(Hons) Engineering Science and Management Durham University

Courses taught

Currently teaching on the following programmes:

BA(Hons) Contour Fashion

BA(Hons)Fashion Buying

BA(Hons) Footwear Design

MA Fashion and Textiles

Membership of professional associations and societies

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy