Leadership for Change

Module code: LCBS 3001

Module description

This module will focus on Change Management; the students will be given an historical approach to organisational theory and analysis. They will be introduced to change management theory, from Lewin to complexity and beyond. They will be encouraged to reflect on leadership theory from Level 5 and apply these theories to leadership of change within a global context. Organisational strategy and structures will be reflected upon and considered with relationship to creativity, innovation and change within organisational settings. The module will consider a variety of change drivers and processes as well as the implications of power bases and politics in organisations.


In addition to the global opportunities available across the wider learning programme, this module provides an opportunity for students to study a contemporary organisation in real time, facing contemporary strategic issues. They will be able to practise consultancy and team building skills within the remit of the first assessment. The students will also be able to validate their research and time management skills with the individual elements.


International culture and globalisation is embedded into change management theory and the global context of the case study will help develop an understanding of international leadership issues.

Contact hours per student per year



  • Group based case study: 50%
  • Individual essay: 50%

Additional costs: No extra costs other than purchase of books