Emotion and criminal justice

Aims of the Cluster:

  • Collectively explore the topic of emotion within the criminal justice field
  • Expand knowledge, research and teaching on this topic
  • Support and peer review publications, presentations and teaching materials across the cluster
  • Identify opportunities for collaborative multi-disciplinary partnerships
  • Network with other emotion scholars, researchers and practitioners from across and outside the university
  • Source external funding to support cluster activity such as conference attendance, group symposiums, internships and research
  • Identify internal funding opportunities to increase post-graduate scholarships and boost cluster activity
  • Promote research and innovation in line with DMU/ faculty research strategies

Activity and membership

The Cluster meets bi-monthly to discuss the topic of emotion within the field of criminal justice. Membership to the cluster is trans-disciplinary and includes academics from the fields of sociology, criminology, nursing, speech and language therapy, social work, social policy and midwifery.

The group offers academics an opportunity to consolidate their interests together and move towards success in publishing, research tenure and staff development. We also welcome academics and practitioners from outside the university.

Emotion and Criminal Justice Cluster Members

Contact us:

Please contact the convenor of the cluster if you are interested in joining or contributing: 

Dr Victoria Knight

E: vknight@dmu.ac.uk