British Society of Criminology Midlands Regional Group

BSC Midlands Regional Group in association with
the Community and Criminal Justice Division in the School of Applied Social Sciences and Leicester De Montfort Law School

Our aim is to:

  • Build upon our close links with criminal justice policy-makers and practitioners in order to strengthen the programme
  • Provide a welcoming forum for mid and early career researchers and PhD students to discuss their work and promote their involvement in the BSC.
  • Run regular public events on a number of themed topics
  • Create opportunities for networking.

BSC Midlands Regional Group Organising Committee:

Professor Estella Baker - Chair
Dr Victoria Knight - Secretary
Professor Gavin Dingwall 
Professor Rob Canton
Jean Hine
Dr Vanessa Bettinson
Dr Tim Hillier  

Please do contact any of us for details about our events or ideas for events across the region.

For other BSC Regional Events click here

Past events

What is Digital Criminology? Exploiting technology to enhance rehabilitation

Monday 5th March 2018


Vijay Patel 2.02, De Montfort University 

This session will offer three insights into the ways in which technology can facilitate rehabilitation and help boost recovery and desistance for offenders of crime. There is a small yet growing raft of research which has focused on this area within criminology. Much focus has been on how technology is facilitating criminal activity. This session, deviates from this growing trend in criminology and reports in detail how digitization is currently been employed and how rehabilitative agendas can be assisted by technology.

Our speakers include:

Dr Victoria Knight- De Montfort University UK

Jason Morris- Interventions Team- HMPPS UK

Dr James Tangen – De Montfort University UK