A De Montfort University (DMU) student has told how his placement with one of Britain's favourite motor manufacturers has helped him to put the skills he has learnt on his course into practice.

Computer Science student Mark Wrinkler, is currently half way through a year-long placement at car manufacturing giant Vauxhall, where he is working as an Electronic Document and Data Warehousing Analyst/Developer.
The 20-year-old said: “My role allows me to practice several technical skills from my course and also pick up new programming, business and finance practices along the way.”
He added: “My main responsibilities include making changes to a system with over 60,000 incoming documents daily. I think the best way to learn is by having real responsibility and this position offers that, as the changes I’m making every day could affect the whole system.”
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Not only does Mark get to work with Vauxhall, but the placement means he also has a global role with American parent company General Motors.
He said: “The most rewarding part of my placement comes from the global aspects and it means I get to work with people in over 30 countries.
“I’m now over half way through my placement and have learnt an immense amount and have truly enjoyed it so far as it is a great challenge. I’m looking forward to another six months.”
DMU’s placement team helped to support Mark while he was applying for opportunities. He said: “I attended several placement courses with DMU and learned how to write a great CV and cover letter. They also recommended that I accept the placement with Vauxhall, which was definitely the right choice.”
Mark will return to DMU in the autumn to finish his final year and he believes that his placement has helped to teach him the skills that he will be able to apply to his fourth year and use in future careers.
Mark would also recommend a placement year to other students. He said: “I’d recommend using the support available as the interviews and assessments can be tough but the placement team offers training that can maximise your chances of landing a great one. Make sure you apply as early as possible and to multiple places!”
Posted on Wednesday 8 February 2017