De Montfort University Leicester (DMU)’s biggest ever international visit got underway today as students began arriving in New York.

Students from Game Art, Film Studies, Music Technology, Engineering and Architecture were due to land tonight and spend their first full day in the Big Apple tomorrow, part of an intensive trip which will see them take part in academic activities linked to their studies.
Engineering students will spend part of the week deep in the bowels of the city, exploring the latest work underneath the iconic Grand Central Station, while Architecture students are due to meet one of the architects of New York’s High Line, a park built in the old West Side railway line.
Stay up to date with the latest from New York
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Students heading underground in New York
The Paley Centre for Media, MoMA, the Museum of the Moving Image and a behind the scenes tour of NBC Studios all await the excited students. And Film Studies students will be given a tour of locations used in 30 classic films, put together by lecturer Dr Matt Jones.
On Friday, more than 1,000 students and staff will gather in New York to make a literal stand against intolerance as part of DMU’s #loveinternational campaign, launched to lobby on behalf of international students and staff at UK universities. Students from 45 different nationalities will be at the event.
Hundreds of other DMU students will join them over the next two days, with a total of 17 academic courses represented.
Marketing student Alexandra Taylor is set to fly out on Thursday. She said: “I still can’t believe I’m heading out to New York! It will be the trip of a lifetime.”
Arts and Festivals Management student Helena Fewkes said: “It's an amazing opportunity to visit New York, New York!”
Nearly 40 Architecture students are heading out today where they will meet the designers behind some of the city’s iconic buildings. One of the group, Ben Wiles, said: “I’m so excited! It will enhance my studies, skills and employability.”
Posted on Tuesday 3 January 2017