DMU's Islamic Society has set a new record by raising an incredible £16,000 for this year's Islamic Relief Charity Week.

The event, which has been running for 13 years, sees countries around the world coming together in a week-long event for charity.
Money raised from the event will be donated to orphans and needy children.
The Islamic Society's Head Sister, Sagal Mohamoub, a third year Accounting and Business student, said: "It is so amazing that we were able to raise so much money for people who really need it.
"Obviously, it is not just about the amount of money we have managed to raise, it is more important to us to make people aware that there are others in need."
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During the week, the society held a movie night, FIFA tournament, treasure hunt, dinner at Steakout and even a Mount Snowdon climb. They also had stalls across campus selling samosas, sweets and biryanis.
Sagal added: "There was a really energetic vibe throughout the week and it was great to see everyone come together and work hard."
This year the grand total raised by Islamic groups around the world came to more than £1 million and because of this they are now able to fund four projects. These projects are based in Gaza, Syria, Bangladesh and Europe.
Sagal added: "It is stressful organising everything but all our hard work definitely paid off. Charity week is all about uniting people across the world and we have managed to do that.
"We had so much support from volunteers in the area and we wouldn't have been able to do it without them."
Posted on Monday 26 December 2016