A DMU Business and Management undergraduate who, two years ago, questioned if he even wanted to go to university, has just returned from a life and career enhancing trip to China as the 1,000th student to go through the #DMUglobal experience this academic year.

WHEN IN CHINA: DMU Business and Management student Jory Chapman sits back in a rickshaw
Second year student Jory Chapman put himself forward for this year’s China Summer Business School, in a country he’d never previously thought of visiting and with a group of people he’d never met. He says it was one of the bravest and best decisions he’s ever made.
The school is staged at Liaoning University, in China’s original capital of Shenyang, Eastern China. #DMUglobal is the acclaimed international experience programme that offers all DMU students the chance to add an international element to their university studies.
Jory’s two-week adventure saw him learn about Chinese culture, including its rich history, its famous tea and calligraphy, as well as living it first-hand by riding in rickshaws and enjoying the karaoke bar, for example.
He visited the Shanghai business district and enjoyed privileged access to the China offices of BMW, Sunwah Real Estate, Chinese Film Trader and Chinese Film Studios. He also got to see world famous sites such as the Forbidden City, the Great Wall and the Imperial Palace.
“Having seen the penthouses and huge sky rise buildings owned by the Sunwah Group in China, I am in awe of how expensive and luxurious they are and that is the lifestyle I would like one day,” said Jory.
“I now feel driven to achieve this and hopefully employers will see this and appreciate how hard I’m prepared to work.”

James Gardner, DMU Pro Vice-Chancellor for Strategic and International Partnership, believes Jory to be a very worthy 1,000th student to experience #DMUglobal in 2014/15.
“I am hugely proud that we have been able to achieve this significant milestone through #DMUglobal,” said James.
“This faculty-led field trip to the well-established China Summer Business School gave Jory an opportunity to live and breathe Chinese culture, history, language and local family life.
“Yet, like so many other students who have taken the #DMUglobal path before him, Jory has also done a great deal to boost his personal employability, gaining a priceless insight into how high level business operates in China and first-hand knowledge of its dynamic economy.”

GĀN BĒI! Jory (centre left) enjoys some Chinese hospitality
Jory acknowledges just how much the trip has helped his confidence and developed his interpersonal skills, as well as making him a better organiser: “I feel a lot more confident about the idea of working abroad now, thanks to #DMUglobal,” he added.
“I’d say that, for someone who nearly didn’t even come to university, let alone think about going on a trip anything like this, if I can do this then anyone can. If an opportunity comes along but you’re worried about going it alone, there’s really nothing to worry about because you will meet like-minded people with whom you’ll quickly become very close.
“This really was an outstanding experience – I didn’t want it to end.”

STARRY: Shanghai's business district by night
Posted on Thursday 2 July 2015