DMU staff and students joined HRH Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge as he opened the GREAT Festival of Creativity in Shanghai.

The festival in China is celebrating creativity and innovation through a unique partnership between the British Government and world-leading companies including HSBC, BBC Worldwide, Jaguar Landrover, PwC, and British Airways.
DMU was selected by 10 Downing Street to be education partner for the festival, where its talented students and academics will be bringing the university's innovative courses to life: interactive live footwear design and contour fashion demonstrations, a virtual walk-through of Medieval London as part of its game art display and the artificial pancreas on display.
The Duke of Cambridge will be dedicating time on his special festival tour to meeting DMU students on the second day of the event.
Pro Vice-Chancellor of Strategic and International Partnerships, James Gardner said: “I am honoured we will be showcasing the best of DMU creativity at the festival and delighted that our talented staff and students will have the opportunity to show the Duke of Cambridge their work.
“Chinese engagement is crucial to our international strategy and we look forward to forging new relationships through this celebration of creativity and commerce in China.”
DMU meets world press in London for GREAT build up
DMU part of the GREAT line up announced led by Prince William
International students celebrate their scholarships in style
Photography student, Jake Bonham is at the festival as part of a #DMUglobal experience. He will be taking pictures of DMU staff and students and learning first-hand about the creativity which business demands.
DMU’s pioneering #DMUglobal programme offers students the chance for a valuable international experience while they study.
Jake said: “It is a massive opportunity that I didn’t expect and I can’t wait to arrive in China. I am going to learn so much and I will be able to apply this to my course and future career.”
Professor Dominic Shellard, Vice-Chancellor of DMU will speak on 'Preparing Graduates for Work in a Global Environment' at the festival – alongside Neil Carberry, Director of Employment and Skills for CBI, the Confederation of British Industry and Anne Morrison, Chair of BAFTA, the British Academy of Film and Television Arts, on Tuesday.
Professor Shellard said: "The challenge for those in Higher Education is to equip students with skills that meet the needs of global employers in a demanding and rapidly-evolving market.
“DMU is responding to this with one of the UK’s most ambitious programmes to ensure graduates get the international experience they need - #DMUglobal."
DMU’s drama and performing arts graduates have also created an original Shakespeare-inspired piece which they will perform on the final day of the festival.
Posted on Wednesday 25 February 2015