Professor Sangeeta Tanna

Job: Professor of Pharmaceutical Analysis

Faculty: Health and Life Sciences

School/department: Leicester School of Pharmacy

Address: De Montfort, University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH.

T: +44 (0)116 207 8274



Social Media:

Personal profile

Prof. Sangeeta Tanna's research interests are in translational research working at the interface of applied analytical science and healthcare provision and clinical practice. She has expertise in the following areas:

  • Detection of substandard and falsified/counterfeit medicines
  • Spectroscopy techniques (ATR-FTIR, Raman, NIR) for the rapid detection of substandard and falsified/counterfeit medicines
  • Mass spectrometry techniques for the rapid detection of substandard and falsified/counterfeit medicines
  • Quality assurance of medicines
  • Dried blood spot (DBS) analysis
  • Quantitative bioanalysis
  • Microsampling
  • Clinical mass spectrometry
  • Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS)
  • Liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS)
  • Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)
  • Ambient ionisation techniques
  • Medication adherence/compliance
  • Therapeutic drug monitoring
  • Clinical pharmacy practice
  • Paediatric pharmacokinetics
  • Paediatric biomarkers
  • Detection of food adulterants

She is particularly interested in the application of analytical techniques to the determination of low levels of target analytes, principally involving improvements to healthcare of patients. There include:

  • Assessment of adherence to cardiovascular medications using dried blood spot (DBS) analysis
  • Quantification of biomarkers for chronic diseases in blood microsamples
  • Dried blood spot (DBS) analysis for paediatric pharmacokinetic studies and patient care
  • Investigation, detection and analysis of counterfeit (falsified) and substandard medicines
  • Development of in vitro characterisation and analytical methods for a novel glucose-responsive, self-regulated insulin delivery system.

Prof. Tanna has co-authored a book with Dr Graham Lawson entitled:

“Analytical Chemistry for Assessing Medication Adherence”

This book is published by Elsevier  ( 

As Chair of the School of Pharmacy Athena SWAN self-assessment team (SAT), Prof. Tanna led De Montfort University's first departmental Athena SWAN submission which was awarded Bronze in April 2019.

Research group affiliations

Pharmacy Practice Research Group

Areas of teaching

  • Pharmaceutics
  • Biopharmaceutics
  • Novel/advanced drug delivery systems
  • Paediatric formulations and drug delivery
  • Geriatric pharmacotherapy
  • Substandard/falsified medicines
  • Detection of counterfeit cosmetic products
  • Therapeutic drug monitoring
  • Assessment of medication adherence using analytical science
  • Bioanalysis for personalised drug dosing

Courses taught

  • MPharm Pharmacy
  • BSc Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Science
  • MSc Pharmaceutical Biotechnology

Honours and awards

APS PharmSci Geoffrey Phillips Analytical Science Commendation Prize 2016
Counterfeit medicines: Rapid quantification of active pharmaceutical ingredients in tablet formulations.
Ogwu J, Lawson G, Tanna S
APS 7th International PharmSci Conference. Glasgow, UK. 5-7 September 2016 

Nominated for Times Higher Education (THE) Research Project of the Year 2012
Blood Spot Analysis.
Tanna S and Lawson G
November 2012

Royal Society of Chemistry – Analytical Methods Prize 2010
Analysis of dried blood spots – the potential for paediatric pharmacokinetic studies of captopril.
Tanna S, Pandya H, Mulla H, Titman C, and Lawson G.
RSC Analytical Research Forum. Loughborough University. 26-28 July 2010 

British Pharmaceutical Conference 2009 – Science Poster Prize
The use of blood spot analysis in paediatric care - From laboratory to bedside and back again.
Lawson G, Mulla H, Pandya H, Tanna S.
Science @ BPC2009 Royal Pharmaceutical Society. Manchester Central. Sept 7-9 2009. 

Runner-up for the 2003 Westminster Medal & Prize for best research poster
The design of a self-regulated insulin delivery system
Tanna S, Sahota T, Taylor MJ.
SET for Britain - The House of Commons Reception for Britain’s Top Younger Scientists, Engineers and Technologists, The House of Commons, Westminster. 17 March 2003

Membership of professional associations and societies

  • Royal Society of Chemistry - Fellow
  • British Mass Spectrometry Society
  • Midlands Mass Spectrometry Group
  • Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences


  • Assessment of adherence to cardiovascular medications using dried blood spot (DBS) analysis  - in collaboration with Kenyatta National Hospital, Kenya and hospitals in Iraq.

   Enquiries for collaborations with other hospitals (public and private) are welcomed.

  • Rapid authentication of medicine quality  - in collaboration with Pharmacy and Poisons Board (Kenya Ministry of Health).

   Enquiries for collaborations with other medicine quality testing laboratories are welcomed.

  • Development of a rapid detection and risk-based surveillance model for screening of substandard and falsified medicines in Zambia. Project funded by Commonwealth PhD Scholarship and in collaboration with Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority.

Conference attendance

Invited Lectures

Toroitich AM, Armitage R, Tanna S. Analysis of Kenya’s pharmacovigilance database for reports of poor-quality medicines: A retrospective observational study. The University of Nairobi and Kenyatta National Hospital 6th International Conference on Health (ICH 2023). Nairobi, Kenya. 12-13 October 2023.

Lawson G and Tanna S. Identifying medication nonadherence could save £billions. CPSA Europe 2019. Cambridge, UK. 5-8 February 2019.

Tanna S, Alalaqi A, Lawson G. Monitoring of cardiovascular drug levels by quantitative LC-HRMS analysis of patient collected micro-volume blood samples. World Conference on Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. Barcelona, Spain. 23-24 July 2018.

Lawson G, Ogwu J, Armitage R, Tanna S. Counterfeit tablet investigations: are Raman and ATR FT/IR techniques for the real world? World Conference on Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. Barcelona, Spain. 23-24 July 2018.

Tanna S. Assessment of medication nonadherence – A UK perspective. ‘Internationalization@Home’ Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium. 2nd May 2018.

Bernieh D, Lawson G, Tanna S. Development of an evidence based assessment of medication adherence for heart disease patients. APS 7th International PharmSci Conference. Glasgow, UK. 5-7 September 2016

Ogwu J, Lawson G, Tanna S. Counterfeit medicines: Rapid quantification of active pharmaceutical ingredients in tablet formulations. APS 7th International PharmSci Conference. Glasgow, UK. 5-7 September 2016

Bernieh D, Lawson G, Tanna S. Quantitative LC-ToF MS analyses of dried blood spots: Developing an assessment of medication adherence for heart disease patients. The Reid Bioanalytical Forum. Surrey, UK. September 2015

Tanna S and Lawson G. Adherence to medication assessed using dried blood spot analysis. Invited lecture at the 5th International Conference and Exhibition on Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques. Beijing, China 18-20 August 2014

Lawson G and Tanna S. Counterfeit tablet investigations: Is ATR FT/IR A technique for the real world. Invited lecture at the 5th International Conference and Exhibition on Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques. Beijing, China 18-20 August 2014 

Tanna S and Lawson G. Cardiovascular drug medication compliance assessed by dried blood spot sampling techniques.  Invited lecture at the 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Analytical Techniques. Las Vegas, USA 15-17 October 2013

Lawson G, Armitage R, Alhedethe A and Tanna S. Rapid identification of counterfeit pills by ATR FT/IR analysis of crushed samples. Invited lecture at the 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Analytical Techniques. Las Vegas, USA 15-17 

Tanna S and Lawson G.  Blood Spot Analysis – Paediatrics to Pensioners. Invited public lecture at the Festival of Ideas, De Montfort University, Leicester UK, 23 April 2013

Lawson G, Armitage R, Tanna S.  Identification of Counterfeit Drugs. Invited public lecture at the Cafe Scientifique event, Nanjing, China, November 2012 

Tanna S and Lawson G.  Dried Blood Spot (DBS) Analysis for Healthcare Applications. Invited public lecture at the Cafe Scientific event, Nanjing, China, November 2012

Lawson G, Armitage R, Tanna S. Identification of counterfeit medicines. 7th Annual Pharmaceutical Anti-Counterfeiting Meeting. 2012, Visiongain Conference Centre, Barbican, London, UK. 26-27 June 2012.

Lawson G, Armitage R, Tanna S.  Identification of counterfeit medicines. Conference on International Biology and Medicine Innovative Industrialization (IBMII). Chongqing Convention Centre, Chongqing, China, April 2012.

Tanna S. and Lawson G. Dried blood spot (DBS) analysis for healthcare applicationsConference of International Biology and Medicine Innovative Industrialization (IBMII). Chongqing Convention Centre, Chongqing, China, April 2012

Lawson G, Ross G, Sage A, Mulla H, Pandya H and Tanna S.  Potential of the QToF in Paediatric Biomarking. Invited Lecture. 1st International Pediatric Biomarker Symposium. Congress Park, Igls Austria. 4-6 Feb 2010

Invited Poster Presentations

Tanna S, Patel P, Mulla H and Lawson G. Dried blood spot analysis – a comparison of SIM, MSMS and accurate mass TOF analyses for selected drugs. 27th LC-MS Montreux Symposium, Montreux, Switzerland, 10-12 November 2010

Tanna S, Pandya H, Mulla H, Titman C, and Lawson G. Analysis of dried blood spots – the potential for paediatric pharmacokinetic studies of captopril. RSC Analytical Research Forum. Loughborough University. 26-28 July 2010

Lawson G, Mulla H, Ross G, Sage A and Tanna S. Accurate mass versus tandem mass measurement of paediatric biomarkers. RSC Analytical Research Forum. Loughborough University. 26-28 July 2010

Tanna S, Pandya H, Mulla H, Titman C, and Lawson G.  Analysis of dried blood spots – the potential for paediatric pharmacokinetic studies of captopril. 1st International Pediatric Biomarker Symposium. Congresspark. Igls, Austria. 4-6 Feb 2010.

Poster Presentations

Toroitich AM, Armitage R, Tanna S. Unveiling the threat of poor-quality medicines in Kenya from individual case safety reports recorded in Kenya’s Pharmacovigilance Electronic Reporting System. American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) 2023 Annual Meeting. Chicago, Illinois, United States. 18-22 October 2023. 

Shokrzadeh Madieh N, Alqurayn NA, Tanna S, Vaideanu A, Schatzlein A, Singh H, Brucoli F. Aminobenzofuran-containing analogues of proximicins B and C exhibit higher antiproliferative activity against glioblastoma cells compared to temozolomide in in vitro cellular assays. 30th Annual GP2A Conference, Dublin, Ireland. 24th-26th August 2022.

Shokrzadeh Madieh N, Alqurayn NA, Tanna S, Vaideanu A, Schatzlein A, Singh H, Brucoli F. Amino-benzofuran analogues of proximicins B and C possess higher cytotoxicity against glioblastoma compared to temozolomide in an in vitro cell-based assay. Joint Meeting of the British Pharmacological Society Group (ELRIG.UK), London, UK. 4th-5th July 2022.

Alalaqi A, Lawson G, Obaid Y, Tanna S. Assessment on non-adherence to cardiovascular medications and understanding patients' perspective: A quantitative and qualitative study. The JPAG Pharmaceutical Analysis Research Awards 2021. Virtual meeting. 17th November 2021.

Robinson-Burke T, Tanna S, Hind J, Fretwell L, Williams R, Sutton C, Dunford, L. (2019) Attitudes to weight management in the South Asian population. Obesity Surgery, 29, pp. S27-S28.

Alalaqi A, Lawson G, Obaid Y, Tanna S. Assessment on non-adherence to cardiovascular medications in Iraq by 8-items Morisky questionnaire and dried blood spot samples analysis. APS@FIP Conference, Glasgow, UK. 7th September 2018.

Tanna S, Alalaqi A, Bernieh D, Obaid Y, Lawson G. Blood spot micro-samples analysed by LC-HRMS to monitor cardiovascular drug levels in patient samples from Iraq. 10th Medical Conference of Misan Health Directorate, Misan, Iraq. 5-7 December 2017.

Tanna S, Bernieh D, Alalaqi A, Lawson G. Cardiovascular drug monitoring using quantitative LC-HRMS analysis of self-collected micro-volume blood samples. 15th International Congress of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring & Clinical Toxicology 2017, Kyoto, Japan. 24-27 September 2017.

Bernieh D, Lawson G, Tanna S. Comparison of VAMS and card based microsampling with LC-HRMS analysis to assess cardiovascular drug levels. Mass Spectrometry: Applications to the Clinical Lab (MSACL) EU 2017. Salzburg, Austria. 10-14 September 2017.

Armitage R, Lawson G, Tanna S. Counterfeit or just poor quality control? APS 8th International PharmSci Conference. Hatfield, UK. 5-8 September 2017.

Bernieh D, Lawson G, Tanna S. Performance of two different microsamplers for the LC-HRMS analysis of 11 cardiovascular drugs. The Reid Bioanalytical Forum. Cambridge, UK. 5-7 September 2017.

Tanna S, Alalaqi A, Bernieh D, Lawson G. LC-HRMS analysis of 133 patient micro-volume blood samples to allow clinical assessment of medication adherence. Mass Spectrometry: Applications to the Clinical Lab (MSACL) 2017. Palm Springs, USA. 22-26 January 2017.

Lawson G, Bernieh D, Tanna S. Quantitative LC-HRMS analysis of dried blood spots to assess adherence to cardiovascular pharmacotherapy. Mass Spectrometry: Applications to the Clinical Lab (MSACL) 2017. Palm Springs, USA. 22-26 January 2017.

Tanna S, Bernieh D, Lawson G. Adherence to cardiovascular pharmacotherapy assessed by quantitative LC-HRMS analysis of dried blood spots. Advances in Clinical Analysis 2016, London, UK. 30 November 2016.

Tanna S, Bernieh D, Lawson G. Adherence to cardiovascular pharmacotherapy assessed by quantitative LC-HRMS analysis of dried blood spots. 21st International Mass Spectrometry Conference. Toronto, Canada. 20-26 August 2016.

Lawson G, Ogwu J, Armitage R, Alcroft C, Tanna S. Fast identification of counterfeit medicines – a comparison of two MS methods. 21st International Mass Spectrometry Conference. Toronto, Canada. 20-26 August 2016.

Tanna S, Bernieh D, Lawson G. Assessment of adherence to cardiovascular pharmacotherapy using quantitative dried blood spot analysis. Mass Spectrometry: Applications to the Clinical Lab (MSACL) 2015. Salzburg, Austria. 8-11 September 2015.

Lawson G and Tanna S. Liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry used for the analysis of dried blood spot samples in therapeutic drug monitoring. Mass Spectrometry: Applications to the Clinical Lab (MSACL) 2015. Salzburg, Austria. 8-11 September 2015.

Bernieh D, Lawson G, Tanna S. Development of an evidence based assessment of medication adherence for heart disease patients. APS 7th International PharmSci Conference. Glasgow, UK. 5-7 September 2016.

Ogwu J, Lawson G, Tanna S. Counterfeit medicines: Rapid quantification of active pharmaceutical ingredients in tablet formulations. APS 7th International PharmSci Conference. Glasgow, UK. 5-7 September 2016.

Bernieh D, Lawson G, Tanna S. It’s in a drop of blood – or is it? SET for BRITAIN Poster Presentations by Britain’s Top Younger Scientists, Engineers and Technologists at the House of Commons, Westminster, London, UK. 7 March 2016.

Tanna S, Bernieh D, Lawson G.  Assessment of adherence to cardiovascular pharmacotherapy using quantitative dried blood spot analysis. Mass Spectrometry: Applications to the Clinical Lab (MSACL) 2015. Salzburg, Austria. 8-11 September 2015.

Lawson G and Tanna S. Liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry used for the analysis of dried blood spot samples in therapeutic drug monitoring. Mass Spectrometry: Applications to the Clinical Lab (MSACL) EU 2015. Salzburg, Austria. 8-11 September 2015.

Bernieh D, Lawson G, Tanna S. Quantitative LC-ToF MS analyses of dried blood spots: Developing an assessment of medication adherence for heart disease patients. The Reid Bioanalytical Forum. Surrey, UK. September 2015.

Bernieh D, Lawson G, Tanna S. Quantitative dried blood spot analyses: An aid to medicine optimization for heart disease patients? The 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques. Valencia, Spain. August 2015.

Ogwu J, Lawson G, Armitage R, Tanna S. Rapid instrumental detection and quantification of counterfeit pharmaceutical tablet formulations: is ATR-FTIR an option? The 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques. Valencia, Spain. August 2015.

Bernieh D, Lawson G, Tanna S.Can quantitative dried blood spot analyses be an aid to medicine optimization in cardiovascular diseases? The Analytical Research Forum 2015. London, UK. 3rd July 2015.

Ogwu J, Lawson G, Armitage R, Tanna S.  ATR-FTIR for rapid detection and quantification of counterfeit medicines. The Analytical Research Forum 2015. London, UK.  3rd July 2015.

Ogwu J, Lawson G, Tanna S.  Rapid instrumental detection of counterfeit medicines – how feasible is it? The Forensic Institute Research Network (FIRN) conference. Derby, UK. April 24 2015.

Lawson G, Alcroft C, Baker A, Tanna S. Analysis of unknown powders and tablets using an atmospheric solids analysis probe and a compact mass spectrometer. The Forensic Institute Research Network (FIRN) conference. Derby, UK. April 24 2015.

Tanna S and Lawson G. Adherence to cardiovascular medications assessed using quantitative dried blood spot analysis. Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis and the 10th International Symposium on Drug Analysis. Liege, Belgium. June 22-25 2014.

Lawson G, Turay E, Armitage R, Tanna S. Rapid identification of counterfeit medicines by ATR FT/IR. Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis and the 10th International Symposium on Drug Analysis. Liege, Belgium. June 22-25 2014.

Tanna S, Armitage R, Lawson G. Identification of counterfeit pills - Is rapid instrumental analysis possible? Proceedings of The 24th International Symposium on Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. Bologna, Italy. 30 June-3 July 2013.

Lawson G, Cocks E, Tanna S. Liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry applied to therapeutic drug monitoring using DBS sampling. Proceedings of The 24th International Symposium on Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. Bologna, Italy. 30 June-3 July 2013.

Tanna S, Cocks E, Lawson G. Is the patient taking their 'heart' pills? A dried blood spot sample - LC-HRMS assay. Proceedings of The 24th International Symposium on Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. Bologna, Italy. 30 June-3 July 2013.

Tanna S, Patel P, Mulla H, Lawson G. Dried blood spot analysis to improve paediatric medication. Separation Science Asia. Singapore. 27-28 July 2011.

Lawson G, Cocks E. Tanna S.  High resolution mass spectrometry for quantitative analysis of dried blood spots. Separation Science Asia. Singapore, 27-28 July 2011.

Patel P, Pandya H, Spooner N, Della Pasque O, Gade S, Kairamknoda V, Lawson G, Tanna S, Mulla H. Dried blood spots and sparse sampling: A perfect combination for minimally invasive PK/PD studies in children. Population Approach Group Europe (PAGE) Meeting, Athens, Greece, June 2011.

Tanna S, Cocks E, Lawson G.  High resolution mass spectrometry for analysis of selected drugs in dried blood spots. 59th Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics ASMS Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA 5 – 9 June 2011.

Lawson G, Mulla H, Patel P, Tanna S. Examples of dried blood spot sampling and analysis to improve paediatric medicine. 59th Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics. ASMS Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA 5-9 June 2011.

Patel P, Lawson G, Tanna S, Mulla H. Facilitating paediatric PK studies: utility of the dried blood spot. Pharmacokinetics UK Conference, Birmingham UK, November 2009. 

Patel P, Lawson G, Mulla H, Tanna S. Applying dried blood spot analysis: the pathway to better paediatric care. Science @ BPC2009 Royal Pharmaceutical Society. Manchester Central, UK September 7-9 2009.

Lawson G, Pandya H, Mulla H, Tanna S. The use of blood spot analysis in paediatric care - From laboratory to bedside and back again. Science @ BPC2009 Royal Pharmaceutical Society. Manchester Central, UK. September 7-9 2009.

Lawson G, Coffey J, Titman C, Tanna S.  Dried blood spot analyses by Ion Trap – Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry, the potential for improved child care? 18th International Mass Spectrometry Conference, PWA 427, Bremen, Germany Aug 30 – Sept 4 2009.

Lawson G, Patel, P, Tanna S.  The use of dried blood spot analysis in paediatric care – how mass spectrometry can direct child medication. 18th International Mass Spectrometry Conference, PMM 468, Bremen, Germany Aug 30 – Sept 4 2009.

Tanna S, Lawson G Mulla H, Pandya H From laboratory to bedside and back again – The use of blood spot analysis in paediatric care. ACCP/ESCP International Congress on Clinical Pharmacy. Orange County Convention Centre, Orlando, Fl. USA. April 24 -28th.2009.

Tanna S, Sahota, TS, Sawicka K, Taylor MJ. UV polymerised dextran-concanavalin A acrylic derivatised gels for closed-loop insulin delivery. The 33rd International Annual Meeting & Exposition of the Controlled Release Society, Vienna, Austria, July 2006.

Sawicka K, Sahota TS, Taylor MJ, Tanna S. Development and application of a reversed-phase HPLC method for the analysis of components from a closed-loop insulin delivery system. The 33rd International Annual Meeting & Exposition of the Controlled Release Society, Vienna, Austria, July 2006.

Tanna S, Taylor MJ, Sahota TS. Novel glucose-sensitive gels for self-regulated insulin delivery. SET for BRITAIN Poster Presentations by Britain’s Top Younger Scientists, Engineers and Technologists at the House of Commons, Westminster, London, March 2003.

Tanna S, Sahota T, Clark J, Taylor MJ.   Rheological characterisation and insulin delivery of a novel glucose-sensitive gel with a carbomer carrier. Proceed. Intern. Symp. Control. Rel. Bioact. Mater. 28: 327-328. The 28th International Symposium on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials, San Diego, California, USA, June 2001.

Clark J, Taylor MJ, Sahota TS, Tanna S.  Development of an “in-vivo” model for demonstrating the action of a responsive gel membrane to changes in blood glucose concentrations. Proceed. Intern. Symp. Control. Rel. Bioact. Mater. 28: 307-308. The 28th International Symposium on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials, San Diego, California, USA, June 2001.

Tanna S and Taylor MJ.  Insulin delivery governed by lectin-glycogen gels sensitive to glucose. Proceed. Intern. Symp. Control. Rel. Bioact. Mater. 1998; 25: 737.

Tanna S and Taylor MJ.  Glucose-responsive gels based on dextran covalently coupled with lectin to control insulin delivery. J Pharm. Pharmac., 1997; 49 Suppl. 4: 76.

Taylor MJ Tanna S, Adams G. Insulin delivery using a novel glucose sensitive formulation. Proceed. Intern. Symp. Control. Rel. Bioact. Mater. 1995; 22.

Taylor MJ, Tanna S, Cockshot S,  Vaitha R. A novel self-regulated delivery system using unmodified solutes in glucose sensitive gel membranes. Proceed. Third European Symp. Control. Drug Delivery, The Netherlands. 1994; (240-5).

Current research students

Enquiries from prospective PhD students are welcomed.

Case studies

1. REF2021 Impact Case Study: A single-drop blood test to identify non-adherence to cardiovascular medication, change care delivery and optimise treatment plans

Sangeeta Tanna's research group have developed the first non-invasive, single-drop blood test for assessing nonadherence to prescribed cardiovascular medicines. This has been used in clinical practice by hospitals in Kenya (Kenyatta National Hospital and Aga Khan University Hospital) and Iraq (Al Sader Teaching Hospital and Misan Cardiac Centre), resulting in the following impact:

  • Improved healthcare plans and optimised treatment for heart disease patients who were found to be non-adherent to their prescribed medication.
  • Improved clinical outcomes through better control of blood pressure, resulting in reductions in emergency hospital admissions and significantly lowered risks of cardiovascular events.
  • Enhanced adherence to prescribed medicines through positive changes in patients’ behaviour.
  • Changes to clinical practice by embedding pharmacists and hospital social workers within the clinical teams that plan and deliver patient care.
  • Identification of the high risk of poor-quality or counterfeit/substandard medicines circulating within the Kenyan healthcare system, prompting a submission to an ongoing national-level review of medicines safety. 

2. The blood spot analysis research and its potential impact on improving healthcare received extensive media coverage during a British Council sponsored visit to Chongqing, China in April 2012. It was widely covered by 20 national and local media, including CCTV, Chongqing TV, Xinhua News Agency, Guang Ming Daily People’s Daily, HongKong Wenhui Po,, etc. The link below is Chongqing TV’s coverage of the event at its satellite news programme.

3. In September 2011 the pioneering use of dried blood spot methods to monitor prescription compliance among patients taking cardiovascular medications was the subject of local and national media coverage. This included television coverage on BBC national and local news in addition to a live BBC Radio Leicester interview. It was featured on the BBC news website at:

