Professor Ernest Edmonds

Job: Emeritus Professor

Faculty: Computing, Engineering and Media

School/department: Leicester Media School

Research group(s): Institute of Creative Technologies (IOCT)

Address: De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, UK, LE1 9BH

T: +44 0116 255 1551



Social Media:

Research group affiliations

Institute of Creative Technologies (IOCT)

Key research outputs

Edmonds, E. A. (2010) “The art of interaction”, Digital Creativity, 21:4, 257-264.

Edmonds, E., A. Bilda, Z. & Muller, L. (2009) “Artist, evaluator and curator: three viewpoints on interactive art, evaluation and audience experience”. Digital Creativity, 20, 141 - 151.

Edmonds, E.A. (2009) “On new constructs in art: structure, time, correspondences and interaction” (keynote paper). IN Seal, A. E. A. (Ed.) EVA London 2009 - Electronic Visualisation and the Arts. London UK, British Computer Society.

Boden, M. A. and Edmonds, E. A. (2009) “What is Generative Art?.” Digital Creativity Vol. 20 Nos 1-2, pp 21-46.

Amitani, S., Bilda, Z., Edmonds, E. A. (2008) “Our Content: Generative Methods for Montaging Multimedia Data” Design Studies Vol 29, Issue 6, pp 572-586.

Research interests/expertise

Interactive Art, Systems Art, Human-Computer Interaction, Practice-Based Research.

Areas of teaching

Practice-based PhD supervision


BSc, MSc, PhD

Courses taught

PhD supervision

Membership of professional associations and societies

  • FBCS
  • FIET
  • Member, ACM

Professional licences and certificates

  • CEng

Forthcoming events

  • Light Logic. One person exhibition, Site Gallery Sheffield, Nov 2012 – Feb 2013
  • One Person Exhibition, Conny Dietzchold Gallery, Sydney, June –July 2013

Conference attendance

Invited panel member. ACM CHI, Austin Texas, 2012.

Welley, V. and Edmonds, E. A. (2011) "The HCI researcher as artist and designer: approaches to creativity and distance" Proceedings of the 8th ACM conference on Creativity and Cognition ACM Press, New York, NY, 233-238.

Turnbull, D., Connell, M. and Edmonds, E. A. (2011) Prototype Places: Curating Practice-Based Research in a Museum Context. In Ciolfi, L., Scott, K. and Barbieri, S. (eds) Proceedings of Rethinking Technology in Museums 2011, University of Limerick, Ireland. pp 203-214.

Edmonds, E. A. (2011) Art, Interaction and Engagement. In Banissi, E. et. al. (eds) Proceedings of Information Visualization, London, 2011. IEEE, Los Alamitos, CA. pp 451-456.

Edmonds, E. A. (2010) "Beyond abstract film: constructivist digital time" Proceedings Electronic Visualisation and the Arts, London.

Edmonds, E. A. (2010) "The Art of Interaction" (keynote paper) Proceedings Create10, Edinburgh,

Other forms of public presentation

Work collected by the Victoria and Albert Museum, London.

Entry in the DAM Museum:

2012-13: Light Logic, Site Gallery, Sheffield.

2012-13: Selected Recent Acquisitions. V&A, London.

2012: Transformations: Digital Prints from the V&A collection, Great Western Hospital, Swindon, UK.

2012: Intuition and Integrity, Kinetica, London; Lighthouse, Brighton; Lovebytes, Sheffield.

2012: Visualise SEE++, Cambridge, UK.

2010: Chromatologies, Rotherham, UK.

2010: Generative Film and Performance, Birkbeck Cinema, London.

2010: Grid Gallery, Vivid festival, Sydney.

2010: Sensoria Festival, Sheffield UK (performance).

2009: C&C09 Berkeley Art Museum, CA (performance).

2009: When Ideas Become Form - 20 Years, Conny Dietzschold Gallery, Sydney.

2009: Cities Tango, Conny Dietzschold Gallery, Sydney and ISEA, Belfast.

2009: Image Ecologies, UTS, Sydney.

2009: Cities Tango Beta_Space, Sydney and Federation Square, Melbourne.

2008: Cities Tango UrbanScreens Berlin and Federation Square, Melbourne.

Consultancy work

Human-Computer Interaction

Current research students

NB 5/6 at UTS in Australia plus 2nd supervisor for 1 at DMU.

Externally funded research grants information

  • Arts Council of England, Grants for Artists, 2012-13. Artist.
  • ACID Collaborative Research grant funding in Australia. 2005-10. Project leader.

Professional esteem indicators

Editor-in-Chief of Transactions in the journal Leonardo
Member of the editorial board of the journal Digital Creativity
Member of the editorial board of the journal Co-Design

Other Reviewing Activities:
Springer books: General editor of series Cultural Computing
Book proposals reviews for Springer and MIT
